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"You should ask Humpty Dumpty," suggested the three little pigs. "He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything. Maybe he has seen your mittens."
Peter and the three kittens thanked the pigs and said good-bye. Then o
(11/10/2006 07:42:57) [查看全文]
Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens. But suddenly he remembered about Easter.
"Oh no!" he cried. "It is almost Easter and I haven't hidden any eggs yet!What will I do?"
(11/10/2006 07:42:57) [查看全文]
A little red hen once found a grain of wheat. "Who will plant this wheat?" she asked.
"I won't." said the dog.
"I won't." said the cat.
"I won't." said the pig.
"I won’t." said the turkey.
"Okay, then I'll do it," answered the little red hen. She planted the grain of whe
(11/10/2006 07:42:57) [查看全文]
"I won't." said the dog.
"I won't." said the cat.
"I won't." said the pig.
"I won't." said the turkey.
"Then I will do it myself." said the little red hen. And she cut the wheat without any help at all. The tired little red hen asked, "Who will help me take the wheat to the mill and grind
(11/10/2006 07:42:57) [查看全文]
"I won't." said the dog.
"I won't." said the cat.
"I won't." said the pig.
"I won't." said the turkey.
"Okay, then I'll do it," answered the little red hen. So she took the wheat to the mill to have it ground, and came back with flour for making bread. "Now, who will bake the bread?
(11/10/2006 07:42:56) [查看全文]
"I won't." said the dog.
"I won't." said the cat.
"I won't." said the pig.
"I won't." said the turkey.
"Okay, then I'll do it." answered the little red hen. So with the flour she baked a loaf of bread. "Now, who will eat this bread?" asked the little red hen.
(11/10/2006 07:42:56) [查看全文]
"I will." said the dog.
"I will." said the cat.
"I will." said the pig.
"I will." said the turkey.
"No, I will not." answered the little red hen. And she ate up the whole loaf of bread.
(11/10/2006 07:42:56) [查看全文]
                  Dad's Watch
Dad: I can't find my watch, children.
Amy: Where did you put it last night, Dad?
Dad: I can't remember.
Matt: Is it in your bed?
Dad: No.
(11/10/2006 07:42:55) [查看全文]
  我的心忽然卜卜地跳起来,他真是我的爸爸吗?看见他翻找抽屉的匆忙样子,他是不是冒充爸爸的贼? 我立即拿起电话,打算问问爸爸公司的同事,但却被一只手按住了。 我惊恐之余,急中生智,对「爸爸」说︰「爸爸,学校明天田径比赛,我想问问他们欢不欢迎家长参加。」 那只手放开了,点了点头,又去找他的抽屉。 打电话是不可能的,眼前的戴面谱的男人不是爸爸也可以肯定。 我忽然想到了电子报案的方法,我立刻坐到电脑前,把有贼进屋的消息告诉了警方。 刚报完警,假爸爸似乎也找遍了家
(11/09/2006 06:54:58) [查看全文]
  假爸爸似乎很感兴趣,他做了个手势,表示要跟我一起找。 这短短的十来分钟,是我觉得一生以来最漫长的十多分钟,假爸爸在焦急地找那提款卡,而我也焦急地等警察叔叔赶来。幸亏我还够镇定,也懂装样子,老是「爸爸」前「爸爸」后,让他一点怀疑也没有,直至警察进了屋子,把他的面谱扯起,他才如梦初醒! 原来,他是爸爸公司的护员,欠了卡钱,知道爸爸家里有些财物,便跟踪爸爸,在爸爸回家上楼梯的时候,把他打晕,换上他的衣服,戴上他的面谱,用他的钥匙开了我家的门,还将事先写好的字条骗我说做默剧,搜掠我家的财物。计划得真周密啊! 爸爸被救醒,了解整件事后就说︰「你的脸上没有戴面谱,但你的隐形面谱比真面谱还能骗人!连贼人也给你骗了!」 我搂?爸爸没有瘤的脖子,开心地大笑起来。 
(11/09/2006 06:54:57) [查看全文]
  Primitive peoples believe that hair, nail clippings, and lost teeth remain magically linked to the owner even after they have been disconnected from his body. As any voodoo artist will tell you, if you want to grind someone into powder, you don’t need to touch him at all. It’s quite enough to stamp on a missing molar a
(11/09/2006 06:54:57) [查看全文]
The Cock and the Jewel(公鸡和宝石)
  A cock, scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens, turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun.
  "Well," said the Cock, "I don’t know what you are doing here. You are a very beautiful thing, and no doubt if your owner found you he would be delighted,
(11/09/2006 06:54:56) [查看全文]
The Fox and the Tiger(狐狸和老虎)
  An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told t
(11/09/2006 06:54:56) [查看全文]
  School is over,
  Oh, what fun!
  Lesson’s finished,
  Play begun!
  Who’ll run fastest,
  You or I?
  Who’ll laugh loudest?
  Let’s try!
(11/09/2006 06:54:56) [查看全文]
You and I make us,
and all of us together make a family.
Your family might be small--
maybe just you and your 
mother or father.
Or it might be big and include 
you and your parents, 
and brothers and sisters, 
and maybe y
(11/09/2006 06:54:56) [查看全文]
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