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This is the sad story of Hamlet, young Prince of Denmark, whose father died two months before the story begins. Hamlet' s father was King of Denmark and Hamlet was his only son. The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle. It was believed that he had been bitten to death by a poisonous (07/03/2006 09:17:12) [查看全文] Ever since Walt Disney immortalized(使…成为不朽) interspecies friendships and talking teapots, anthropomorphism (attributing human traits and emotions to animals or objects) has been a movie (06/29/2006 06:26:35) [查看全文] Aladdin and his mother lived in China.They were very poor:They lived in a hut and often had not enough food to eat. One day Aladdin's mother said,"Go out into the field and get some flowers;we will sell the flowers and get money to buy food,"So Aladdin went into a field to get flowers. Now the place where the lamp was hidden was in a (06/26/2006 09:46:00) [查看全文] On baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the other. "This one is bodhisattva willow," one said. And another one would say, "I have arhat pine." Sud (06/26/2006 09:46:00) [查看全文] A long, long time ago, the earth was in complete darkness. There was no sun, only the moon and some stars. This was before people, when giant animals roamed the earth. They were much bigger than animals today. Dinewan the Emu and Bralagah the Brolga were two such animals.
很久狠久以前,地球处在一片黑暗之中。没有太阳,只有月亮和星星。这时人类还没有出现,只有大型猛兽 (06/26/2006 09:46:00) [查看全文] 1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ? 1.Because it makes fat fact! 2.Why is the letter E so important? 2.Because it’s the begining of everything! 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other? 3.Because there is love between them! 4.What letter i (06/26/2006 09:46:00) [查看全文] Many, many years ago, there lived a king. He had many beautiful daughters. And the youngest one was very lovely, and even the sun was surprised to see her when he shone on her face.
Near the king's castle lay a dark, gloomy forest. In the middle of the forest there was a fountain. One day, the king' s daughter went into the forest whe (06/26/2006 09:46:00) [查看全文] She came, she clucked, she conquered our New York City backyard By William Grimes From New York Times One day in the dead of winter, I looked out my back window and saw a chicken. It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. In classic (06/04/2006 11:00:00) [查看全文] The lives of most men are determined by their enviroment.They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only resignation but even with good will.They are like streetcars running contendedly on their rails and they despi (06/04/2006 11:00:00) [查看全文] An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work & In Your Life DR SPENCER JOHNSON “Cheese” – a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like jogging or golf. Each of us has our own idea of what Chees (05/18/2006 12:12:00) [查看全文] 英文: Grow, Little Rosemary It is March.And it is almost spring. The dirt is still cold. Today,we will grow herbs. We put dirt in square trays. We push seeds in the dirt and cover them. I whisper to my tray every day. "Grow,Little Rosemary,grow!"I say. Every morning,I run to my tray. But,I only see dirt. "Grow (05/18/2006 12:12:00) [查看全文] (05/07/2006 09:40:00) [查看全文] (05/07/2006 09:40:00) [查看全文] 俗话说,日有所思,夜有所梦。初学第1-2单元时,有许多似曾相识而又模糊的单词需要你准确记忆。如果你用功的话,就一定会像故事中的主人公那样,梦中都在记单词!
Amy stays in bed and says to her mother, “Letters are boring! I’ll never remember them.” The letters in Amy’s book hear her words. So when Amy falls asleep at night, they come out of t (04/23/2006 08:23:00) [查看全文] |