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希腊历史Greece history

[日期:2008-03-25]   [字体: ]



公元前第2千纪和第1千纪初期的希腊近代考古发掘揭示,希腊大陆从旧石器时代就有人类居住;克里特岛约于公元前第3千纪末出现了青铜文化,公元前第2千纪初有了国家和文字。约公元前2000年左右,一些讲希腊语的部落开始在希腊半岛定居。公元前第 2千纪的中、后期,希腊人建立过迈锡尼、梯林斯、皮洛斯(旧译“派洛斯”)等小国,已有文字,创造了灿烂的迈锡尼文明。公元前第2千纪中期起,希腊人逐步向爱琴海(包括克里特岛)的诸岛扩张。传说发生于小亚细亚地区的特洛伊战争,可能就在希腊人向外扩张的公元前13世纪下半叶或者公元前12世纪初。(见克里特文明和迈锡尼文明)。


公元前8~前4世纪上半叶的希腊 从公元前8世纪初至前6世纪末,古代希腊世界的大部分地区处于和平环境之中,没有受到外族的严重威胁。由于与古代世界其他一些文明中心的联系日益密切,希腊人从埃及和西亚学到了不少有益的东西。在农业和手工业中,铁制工具已经普遍使用。尽管所有地区主要的经济部门都是农业,但在一些地理条件优越的地区,如科林斯、埃吉纳、米利都、雅典、哈尔基斯、埃雷特里亚、希俄斯等地,商业和榨油、酿酒、金属加工、制陶、武器制造等手工业有了很大发展。造船技术和航海业也有长足进步,出现了三列桨战舰。公元前 8世纪,希腊人在改造腓尼基字母的基础上重新创造了自己的文字。公元前 6世纪中叶,在埃吉纳、科林斯、雅典等地开始铸造货币。随着生产力的发展,人口的增加,城市的产生和发展,从公元前8 世纪起在希腊半岛、爱琴海诸岛以及小亚细亚沿岸的希腊人中,又开始形成国家。一、二百年内,陆续出现了一批史家称为“城邦”的小国。但也有一些部落仍然停留在原始社会后期。 



公元前 7世纪中叶以后,重装步兵逐渐成为各城邦公民兵的主要兵种。兵制的变革对城邦政治和社会发展都有影响。贫富分化加剧引起的平民反对氏族贵族剥削、奴役以及政治上的垄断地位的斗争,以奴役外族人为主的奴隶占有制的发展,使许多城邦的阶级结构和社会、政治制度发生了变化。其突出表现为斯巴达的“平等者公社”的形成,以及僭主政治在许多城邦的兴衰。同时出现了一些用成文法规定城邦基本制度的“立法者”的活动,如斯巴达的利库尔戈斯(一译“莱库古”)改革、雅典的梭伦改革和克利斯提尼改革。除由波斯人扶植的一些僭主外,在公元前7和前6世纪的希腊,“僭主”一词系指非通过选举上台执政的人,他们大多得到公民中下层群众的支持,采取一些有利于下层群众、削弱氏族贵族势力和影响、促进经济和文化发展的措施。最著名的僭主是科林斯的佩里安德和雅典的庇西特拉图。 

公元前6世纪中叶起,伯罗奔尼撒半岛南部的斯巴达逐步联合半岛大多数城邦,组成伯罗奔尼撒同盟,成为希腊一个城邦集团的领袖。以米利都为首的小亚细亚诸希腊城邦推翻波斯统治的起义(公元前 500~前494年),揭开了公元前5世纪希腊历史的序幕。公元前 492年、前490年和前480年波斯军队对希腊的侵略,都以失败告终。在马拉松、萨拉米斯、普拉蒂亚等战役中,反抗侵略的数十个希腊城邦的人民表现出高度的爱国主义精神,希腊人的胜利在希腊世界内外产生了深远影响(见希波战争)。西西里岛的希腊人也在公元前480年取得了打败迦太基的重大胜利。 


在希波战争中失败而暂时退出欧洲的波斯,从伯罗奔尼撒战争后期起重新成为操纵希腊政局的重要力量,并用大量金钱支持斯巴达,帮助其打败雅典。不久,斯巴达因小亚细亚希腊城邦的政治地位问题与波斯发生武装冲突,波斯人转而支持不满斯巴达统治的希腊诸邦。公元前 395年爆发了雅典等邦联合反对斯巴达的科林斯战争(公元前387年结束)。同年,在波斯任职的雅典人农指挥的舰队,大败斯巴达海军,迅速清除了斯巴达在爱琴海诸岛派驻的军队。他胜利返回雅典,重建了公元前 404年根据斯巴达的要求拆除的雅典城墙。为了求得波斯人的支持,希腊交战双方竞相派代表与波斯王廷谈判。公元前 387年,斯巴达以承认波斯对小亚细亚希腊城邦的统治为条件,在波斯人直接干预下,强迫包括雅典在内的许多希腊城邦接受了有利于斯巴达的《安塔尔基达斯和约》。此后,斯巴达重新肆无忌惮地干涉其他城邦的内政,蹂躏他邦主权,扶植寡头。 

公元前 378年,忒拜的民主派在雅典人支持下推翻了斯巴达于公元前 382年扶植起来的寡头统治,驱逐了强占卫城达军队。以忒拜为首的维奥蒂亚联盟在埃帕米农达等人领导下,一时成为左右希腊大陆政局的首屈一指的强国。公元前 371年留克特拉之役后,斯巴达军队被逐出中部希腊。随后,埃帕米农达率军进入伯罗奔尼撒半岛,促成了阿卡迪亚的独立,使麦西尼亚摆脱了斯巴达人数百年的统治,重新获得了政治独立。此后,斯巴达不再是希腊的头等军事强国,其政治影响也江河日下。忒拜的称雄于公元前 362年蒙提涅亚战役后结束。在色萨利,费列的僭主雅松(公元前380~前370年当政)也一度雄踞一方,并企图称霸希腊。 


利用对斯巴达暴虐统治的普遍不满,雅典于公元前378 年组织了新的城邦联盟。起初,它庄严保证入盟诸邦平等,不干涉他邦内政,不在他邦境内驻兵和安置雅典军事移民,一时博得广泛的支持。但是以雅典为首组织的第二个城邦联盟(史称“第二次雅典海上同盟”)好景不长。忒拜不满雅典接近斯巴达,带领一部分支持者分裂出去。接着,因雅典违反同盟条约而爆发了盟邦反对雅典的“同盟战争”(公元前357~前355年)。雅典的失败使同盟趋于瓦解,于公元前338年正式解散。 

马其顿王国的崛起和希腊化时代希腊的北方邻国马其顿的居民在种族和语言方面与希腊人很接近,并且深受先进的希腊文化的影响。腓力二世(公元前359~前336年在位)统治下的古代马其顿的迅速崛起,不仅极大地推动了马其顿历史的发展,而且使马其顿人的历史从此长期与希腊人的历史融为一体。马其顿在腓力二世统治时期的向外扩张,严重损害希腊许多城邦的利益,威胁它们的生存。以狄摩西尼(公元前384~前322年)为代表的雅典反马其顿派,从公元前 4世纪50年代起,即为抵抗马其顿的侵略在雅典内外进行了坚决的斗争,但以失败告终。公元前 338年希腊诸邦联军在喀罗尼亚战役中败北,从此希腊的大部分城邦逐渐丧失了政治独立,沦于马其顿王国统治之下。 

公元前334年开始的马其顿国王亚历山大大帝的远征,实质是以马其顿人为主的马其顿、希腊军队对亚洲和北非广大地区的侵略。公元前 323年亚历山大大帝死后,希腊历史进入“希腊化时代”。经过数十年的战乱,在欧亚非三洲的广大地域内出现了以托勒密王国、塞琉西王国、马其顿王国为主的一批“希腊化国家”。希腊化时代的希腊城邦多数程度不同地成了国王或僭主统治下的保有一定自治权利的地方自治单位。在希腊大陆,只有埃托利亚同盟和阿哈伊亚同盟以及斯巴达比较长期地保持了政治独立。公元前 299年罗马势力开始侵入巴尔干半岛。随着希腊化诸王国陆续灭亡,罗马人逐渐成为希腊人命运的主宰。公元前30年,罗马灭亡了最后一个希腊化国家——统治埃及的托勒密王朝,古代希腊的历史随之告终。 

古代希腊文化 在广泛吸收西亚和埃及等地文化成就的基础上,古代希腊人根据生产,社会和政治的需要,在包括数学、天文、医学、建筑、雕刻、戏剧、诗歌、哲学、历史、演说术等众多领域作出了富有创造性的贡献。在不同时期和不同文化领域希腊诸邦都为丰富希腊的文化宝库作出了努力。在希腊化时期,由于希腊文化与亚洲和非洲各地文化在新的历史条件下发生某种程度地融合和相互影响,使传统的希腊文化有了新的内容。古代希腊文化是属于奴隶占有制社会经济形态的文化,其发展与奴隶占有制密不可分,并对后世产生重大影响。 

GREece history

From around 2000 BC to 30 BC, the ancient GREeks in the Balkans, the Aegean islands and the coast of Asia Minor as the center, including North Africa, West Asia and southern Italy and Sicily peninsula throughout the Mediterranean region to establish a series of slaves in possession State.

BC No. 2 1000 1 1000 and Ji Ji GREece early modern archaeological excavations revealed that the Greek mainland from the Paleolithic human beings living there; the island of Crete around 1000 BC, No. 3 in the end of the Tertiary bronze culture, section 2070 2 With the country in early 1000 JI and text. Around about 2000 BC, some of the speakers Greek peninsula tribes began to settle in Greece. BC No. 2 JI in 1000, the late, and the Greeks established a Maitini, staircase Billings, Pylos (Old translated as "Pailos"), and other small countries, has text, has created a brilliant Maitini civilization. BC No. 2 Ji mid-1000, the Greeks gradually to the Aegean Sea (including the island of Crete) expansion of the islands. Legend occurred in Asia Minor in the Trojan War, it might be in the BC Greeks outward expansion in the second half of the 13th century or the early 12th century BC. (See Maitini Crete civilization, and civilization).

12th century BC after one or two hundred years, Maitini civilization gradually wane. Some living in primitive society of the late GREek speaking tribes from the north into the Greek peninsula, caused Sesalie Greece and the south of many different tribes and clans to the direction of movement. States, text and grand palaces are gone, followed a harbinger of the end of the primitive society organizations and social life in Greece Peninsula, the Aegean islands and Asia Minor Greeks living in areas of the dominant "Homer's era" .

BC 8 ~ 4 before the first half of the century, from the eighth century BC GREece to the beginning of the first six end of the century, the world's most ancient Greece in a peaceful environment of the region, there is no alien serious threats. As with the rest of the world some of the ancient civilizations of the increasingly close ties, Greeks from Egypt and West Asia have learned a lot of useful things. In agriculture and the handicraft industry, the tool has been widely used iron. While all regions are the main economic sectors of agriculture, but in some geographical areas favorable conditions, such as Collins, Aijina, Miletus, Athens, Haerjishi, Eretria, Chios, and other places, commercial and she will, wine, metal processing, pottery, weapons manufacturing, and other handicraft industry has developed significantly. Shipbuilding and marine technology have also made great progress, there has been three paddle warships. The eighth century BC, Greeks in the transformation of the Phoenician alphabet on the basis of re-create their own text. 6th century BC, by the middle of the Aijina, Corinth, Athens, and other places started casting currency. Along with the development of productive forces and the increase of population, the emergence and development of cities, from the eighth century BC in Greece since the peninsula, as well as the Aegean islands along the coast of Asia Minor Greeks, the country also began to take shape. 1, 200 years, a number of historians have described as a "city-state" a small country. But there are also some tribes still remain in the late primitive society.

To the mid-8th century BC, before the end of six GREeks extensive migration, the socio-economic transformation is an important factor. Businessmen on trade, overseas bankrupt to earn a living, the political struggle in the losers will occupy some overseas colonies. With the Greek population growth and socio-economic development, expand the scope of colonization in the East from the east coast of the Black Sea, the West has Marseille in France, including the Italian peninsula and the southern part of the island of Sicily, and the mouth of the Nile south of Libya, arrived in this northern Albania Adriatic coastal areas of the broad masses of the area, dozens of Greek city-states (far from all the city have participated in the immigrants) has established a total area of over 100 immigrants. One of the best known are the Billings to establish Syracuse, Sparta build the tower together with (see the Greece), to establish the Byzantine Maijiala, Miletus were established, such as Olbia. Most city is the main reason for immigration population growth, lack of arable land. During this period are the main characteristics of immigrants, most of these people are areas of the city to become an independent. Their mother and the relationship between the state, mainly confined to the common memory of God □. As conditions change, the relationship between them have alienated some close, and some are war. At the same time many regions of the immigration slavery, the exploitation of the original residents. In the vast number of migrants to the region to establish close, and some are war. At the same time many regions of the immigration slavery, the exploitation of the original residents. In the vast areas in the region many immigrants, the establishment and development is conducive to the Greeks and other peoples in the economic and cultural exchanges is conducive to the economic development of Greece, the city of society, the evolution of the political system there is a certain impact.

GREeks in the outward expansion, it has also continued development throughout the range of internal contacts. Religious activities to the main content of many "near neighbors alliance," the establishment of Olympia, Delphi and other Greek gradually with full significance of the religious centres and sports centres and the formation of development, and promoted the mutual understanding between the Greeks and economic and cultural exchanges . Polis also occurred between the different nature of the war, including Sparta, as the conquering Greeks Messenia slavery Greeks war.

After the middle of the 7th century BC, heavy equipment infantry gradually become citizen soldiers of the city's main branch. Military System changes on the city's political and social development are affected. Exacerbated the polarization of rich and poor caused civilians opposed to aristocratic clan exploitation, slavery and the monopoly of political struggle against slavery aliens to the slaves in possession mainly the development of many city and the class structure of society, the political system has changed. Sparta for their outstanding performance of "equal to the commune," the formation, as well as the political structures in the city - the rise and fall of many. At the same time there have been some statutory provisions city with the basic system of "legislators" of the activities, such as the Sparta Likuergeshi (a translation, "Levin the ancient") reform, Athens, Solon reform and Chris Ksentini reform. Apart from the Persians unauthorized main support, and in July 2070 before the 6th century GREece, "the unauthorized" non-means of coming to power through elections, most of them citizens of the middle and lower classes have the support of the masses, take some help lower masses, aristocratic clan forces and weaken the influence, and promoting economic and cultural development measures. The most famous structures is the main Peiliande Collins and the Athens Peisistratus.

From the mid-sixth century BC, the Peloponnesian peninsula south of Sparta gradually most of the peninsula city, composed of the Peloponnesian alliance, a group of GREece, a city leader. Militus headed by the various Greek city-state of Asia Minor overthrow the Persian rule intifada (2070 500 ~ 494 years ago), has opened a 5th century BC Greek history prelude. BC 492, the former 490 and 480 years ago in Greece Persian army of aggression, ended in failure. In Marathon, Salamis, Puladie campaigns, resisting aggression dozens of Greek city-state of the people shown a high degree of the spirit of patriotism, the victory of the Greeks in Greece and outside world has had a profound impact (see Greek Wave war). Sicily is also the Greeks in 480 BC defeated Carthage achieved a major victory.

2070 478 or 477 years ago, in Athens GREece headed by the city formed Delian League. The establishment of the alliance and the nature of the evolution of Greece to the whole world political situation has become increasingly complex. To the slave ownership system based on the development of democracy in Athens, Greece on the world's political, ideological and cultural development have a major impact. Athens on the military and economic strength of the continued growth and expansion, Sparta increasingly uneasy, and attempted to be restricted.忒Baidoa, Collins, Aergeshi and other big city are weighing the pros and in Sparta and Athens were headed by the two city dealings between the groups. 449 BC, Xibei end of the war, the contradiction between the Greek states become more prominent. Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak. The contradiction between the city eventually led to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. The war not only involve the many Greek peninsula city, and to a large extent touched scattered in Sicily, the Aegean islands, the coast of Thrace and Asia Minor, such as the large Greek city-state. Athens to the war ended in failure. After the war, Athens, Sparta and Corinth, Syracuse and other major city divided between rich and poor within the intensification of social contradictions has become increasingly acute. In some areas, citizens gradually disintegrate Military System, the Military System employing continuous development.

Xibei failure in the war in Europe and temporarily withdraw from the Persian, from the Peloponnesian War to the late GREek political manipulation become an important force, with a lot of money and support Sparta to help defeat Athens. Soon Sparta Asia Minor Greek city-state because of the political status of the armed conflict with Persia, Persians switched their support to rule with Sparta Greece various states. 395 BC in Athens, such as the outbreak of the state of Sparta Collins jointly oppose the war (2070 387 by the end). The same year, serving in the Persian Athens farmers who command Fleet, the Navy loses in Sparta, the rapid clearance of Sparta in the Aegean islands of the military presence. He returned to the victory in Athens, in 404 BC rebuilt under Sparta's call for the dismantling of the walls of Athens. In order to seek the support of the Persians, Greece represented the two warring sides competing with the Persian WANG Ting negotiations. 387 BC, the Persian Sparta to recognize the Greek city of Asia Minor conditions for the rule of the Persians under the direct intervention force, including Athens, many of the Greek city-states to accept the Sparta "Antananarivo Erjidashi about. " Since then, Sparta to wantonly interfere in the internal affairs of other city, ravaged his state sovereignty, and foster oligarchy.

In 378 BC,忒Baidoa liberals in Athens of people support the overthrow of Sparta in 382 BC, to foster the rule of oligarchy, the expulsion of the occupying army of the Acropolis.忒thanks to Weiaodie headed by the Union of Zhimomi farmers, who, under the leadership of GREece around 1:00 become the continent's leading political power. Leuctra 371 BC in the easements, Sparta army was expelled from Central and Greece. Subsequently, the farmers of Lvjun Aimomi entered the Peloponnesian Peninsula, Arcadia contributed to the independence, the number of Sparta Maixinie out of the centuries-old rule and regain the political independence. Since then, Sparta Greece is no longer of paramount military power, its political impact poor already.忒thanks to rule the roost in 362 BC after the battle in Monte Niee end. Sally in color, and the unauthorized charges are the main Yasong (BC 380 ~ 370 years ago in power) was also among the party, and an attempt to dominate Greece.

Leuctra Battle Monument

Sparta tyrannical rule on the use of the general discontent, Athens, in 378 BC, the city organized a new coalition. Initially, its solemn assurance to all states accession equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of the state, he is not in the state of Athens military garrison and resettlement of migrants, 1:00 win broad support. Athens led by the organizations, however, the second city Union (史称"second Athens maritime alliance") good time.忒near Baidoa Athens with Sparta, leading supporters of the separation. Then, because of violation of a treaty of alliance Athens and the allies opposed to the outbreak of Athens "alliance War" (2070 357 ~ 355 years ago). Athens to the failure of the United Democrats tend to collapse in 338 BC, was formally dissolved.

The rise of the Kingdom of Macedonia and GREece era of Greece's northern neighbor Macedonia residents in the ethnic and linguistic aspects and the Greeks are very similar, and advanced by the Greek culture. Philip II (359 BC to 336 years before the reign), the ancient Macedonia under the rule of the rapid rise, not only greatly promoted the development of the history of Macedonia, the Macedonian people and the long-term history from the Greeks and the history of integration . Philip II of Macedonia in the period of rule of outward expansion, and seriously damaged the interests of the Greek city-many, the threat to their survival. To Dimaxini (BC 384 ~ 322 years ago), represented by the Athens-Macedonians, from the 4th century BC in the 1950s, that is, to resist the aggression of Macedonia in Athens and outside a resolute struggle, but ended in failure. Greece in 338 BC, various state coalition forces in the Battle of defeat Kaluonie, from the Greek city gradually lost most of the political independence, the relegation of the Kingdom of Macedonia under the rule.

In 334 BC, the beginning of the Macedonian King Alexander the GREat expedition, the real Macedonia is dominated Macedonia, the Greek armed forces of Asia and North Africa, the vast region of aggression. Alexander the Great in 323 BC after his death, the history of Greece into the "Greek era." After decades of war, in the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa to the broad masses of the region appeared to Ptolemy kingdom, Seleucid kingdom, a group consisting mainly of the Kingdom of Macedonia "Greece of the country." Greece and the Greek city-states majority of the times varying degrees become king or illegal under the tenure of certain rights of the local self-government units of autonomy. In mainland Greece, only Aituolie alliance and the alliance as well as the Spartan Ahayie compared to maintain a long-term political independence. 299 BC in Rome forces invaded the Balkans. With all of the Kingdom of Greece have perished, and Rome gradually become masters of the destiny of the Greeks. BC 30, Rome perished last of Greece countries - Egypt's Ptolemaic rule, the history of ancient Greece then ended.

Ancient GREek culture in the broad absorption in West Asia and Egypt, and other cultural achievements on the basis of production in accordance with the ancient Greeks, social and political needs, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, architecture, sculpture, drama, poetry, philosophy, history, the speech of , and many other fields have made creative contributions. At different times and different cultural fields Greece for all states have rich cultural treasure trove of Greece's efforts. Greece in the period, because Greek culture throughout Africa and Asia and the culture in the new historical conditions and to some extent under the integration and mutual influence, the traditional Greek culture with new content. Ancient Greek culture is a form of slavery tenure socio-economic culture, its development and inseparable from the slave ownership system, and have a significant impact on future generations.


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第 1 页: 希腊简介 第 2 页: 希腊历史Greece history
第 3 页: 古希腊文化ancient Greek civilization
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