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[日期:2008-03-25]   [字体: ]


Ελλάδα, η          [GREece]

国家。位于欧洲南部巴尔干半岛南端,包括附近许多岛屿,陆疆同阿尔巴尼亚、马其顿、保加利亚、土耳其为邻;西南濒地中海,东临爱琴海。面积13.2万平方公里(其中岛屿面积 2.5万平方公里)。人口1,005.5万(1989),约95%为希腊人,余为土耳其人、马其顿人、保加利亚人等。希腊正教为国教。希腊语为国语。首都雅典。四分之三为山地,沿海有低地,海岸线长1.5万公里,多曲折港湾。河流短急。除高山外,属地中海式气候,冬温湿,夏干热,从北到南平均气温:1月5~11℃,7月25~27℃。年降水量东部400~700毫米,西部约900~1,200毫米。矿产有石油、天然气、铀、铁、铬、铝土、重晶石、锌等。富水力资源。欧洲文明古国,公元前五世纪为全盛时期。公元前146年为罗马帝国征服。 1396年起被土耳其占领。1829年成为自治公国。1830年宣布独立,成立希腊王国。1941年被法西斯德国侵占。 1944年10月15日恢复独立。1973年6月废除君主制,改为希腊共和国。原以生产和出口农产品为主,产小麦、玉米、烟草、干果等。二十世纪六十年代起工业迅速发展。制造业已占国民总产值首位。有冶金、电子、化学、纺织、造船和食品等部门。输出工业品、矿产、烟草,水果、皮革等。输入石油、粮食、机器等。多历史古迹和古建筑,风光明媚,旅游业发达。海运重要,海港有萨洛尼卡、比雷埃夫斯、佩特雷等。






About GREece
Ελλάδα, η [GREece]
Countries. The southern tip of the southern Balkans in Europe, including many nearby islands, land frontiers with Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey to the neighboring Southwest Dying Mediterranean, the east Aegean. Area of 132,000 square kilometers (one island area of 25,000 square kilometers). 1,005.5 million population (1989), about 95% of the GREeks, the Turks more than, Macedonia, Bulgaria and so on. Greek Orthodox as the State religion. Greek is in Mandarin. Capital Athens. Three-quarters of the mountain, there are low-lying coastal areas, 15,000 km long coastline, and more twists and turns Harbour. Rivers short urgency. In addition to the mountains, a Mediterranean climate, moist winter, dry and hot summer, from north to south, the average temperature: January 5 to 11 ℃, July 25 to 27 ℃. The annual rainfall is 400 ~ 700 mm eastern and western about 900 to 1,200 mm. There are mineral oil, natural gas, uranium, iron, chrome, bauxite, barite, such as zinc. Rich hydropower resources. European countries with ancient civilizations, the fifth century BC to its heyday. 146 BC in the Roman Empire conquered. 1396 has been the Turkish occupation. 1829 as an autonomous public States. 1830 declaration of independence, the establishment of the Kingdom of Greece. 1941 occupation by France and Germany. October 15, 1944 restoration of independence. June 1973 abolition of the monarchy, to the Hellenic Republic. The production and export of agricultural products to mainly producing wheat, corn, tobacco, dried fruit. In the 1960s rapid industrial development. Manufacturing accounts for the first GNP. Have metallurgy, electronics, chemicals, textiles, shipbuilding and food sectors. Output of industrial products, mineral products, tobacco, fruits, leather. Importation of oil, grain, machinery. Many historical monuments and ancient architecture, beautiful scenery, tourism developed. Seaborne important, the harbour has Thessaloniki, Piraeus, Patras, etc..

Ancient GREece
That the history of the Aegean region, including the southern Balkans, the Aegean islands and the west coast of Asia Minor area. 2070 3000's, the Aegean Civilization prosperity. After the tribal invasion by the North backward, Aegean Civilization decline. Before the 11th century into the era of Homer. Before the 8th century, GREece has established around the city hundreds of slavery. Xibei war before the 5th century, the Greek city-states into the prosperity phase, economy, trade and prosperity and cultural achievements. Peloponnesian War, to decline. Before the 4th century Greek peninsula conquered by the Kingdom of Macedonia, the former two century under Roman rule.

Ancient GREek Tragedy
World history of drama one of the most ancient drama. About formed in the early 5th century BC by the ancient GREek god of the festival prayer ceremony in the evolution of the universe from Dionysus. By an actor on the original story, accompanied by the singing team songs. After three actors for the development of the stage. Actors wearing masks, wearing high boots at the end, the angle from female actor to play. Many are based on Homer's epic or myths and legends. Later development, and gradually expanded to the myths and legends of heroes - the tragedy in the form of the progressive development and improvement.

In this process there are three GREat contribution to the family tragedy: First, Greece known as "the father of tragedy" Aeschylus, the representative of "Prometheus Bound" The second one is "Dramatic Art of Homer "- Suofukeleishi, his new book," Russian Dipushi Wang "is a model of Greek tragedy; third person is" the originator psychological drama "- Euripides, the representative of" the United States [Reporter] Asia, "the earliest made women's issues.

Ancient GREek tragedy in the most sober realism to the survival of the tragic display in front of us, home to ancient Greek tragedy sense of the tragedy, but also inspired us to look at the correct difficult life, and in this difficult forge ahead . survival from the point of view of theory, the ancient Greek tragedy home to us in particular have demonstrated the existence of the state-consciously, who is no longer blind random playing with the fate of the dolls, but more liberal, which is for their own action and passion of the people have greater responsibility. From the cultural point of view, the ancient Greek tragedy exposed the cultural home to the plight of the Tragic Hero and the destruction of cultural stereotypes reveals the tremendous strength, in turn, it is a new form of culture has laid a foundation with tragedy Hero destruction, so that people feel the new cultural values of dignity, we can see the dawn of a new culture and realized the negative beyond tragedy.
GREek tragedy was not writing sad, but in the performance of noble heroic hero ideology. "According to Aristotle's definition of Greek tragedy about the serious events; aims to arouse pity and fear, and these emotions lead to the purification; heroine was often unexpected and unfortunate, as tragedy, the tragedy of the conflict as a result and the fate of the conflict. "


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第 1 页: 希腊简介 第 2 页: 希腊历史Greece history
第 3 页: 古希腊文化ancient Greek civilization
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