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  Hey dad,can I please have a puppy?
  ALFY,we talked about this before.
  You can take a puppy,
  only if you promise to take really good care of it.
  I promise.I will,I will!
  Okey then,ALFY. You can get a puppy.
  Do we ha
(05/07/2007 10:29:13) [查看全文]
  One balloon.
  Two balloons.
  Three balloons.
  Four balloons.
  Five balloons.
  Six balloons.
  Seven balloons.
  Eight balloons.
  Nine balloons.
  Ten balloons.
  Oh~~ I am going up up , up!
(05/07/2007 10:28:25) [查看全文]
  An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told the other animals not to be afraid anymore, but to rely on his courage, and
(05/06/2007 10:07:02) [查看全文]
  A kite, which has been allowed to soar to the clouds, called out from on high to a butterfly down below in the valley.
  “I can assure you that I can scarcely make you out. Confess now that you feel envious when you watch my so lofty flight.”
  “Envious? No indeed! You have no business to think so much of yourself. You
(05/06/2007 10:06:43) [查看全文]
  A lion, no longer able, from the weakness of old age, to hunt for his prey, laid himself up in his den, and, breathing with great difficulty, and speaking with a low voice, gave out that he was very ill indeed. The report soon spread among the beasts, and there was great lamentation for the sick lion. One after the other came to see hi
(05/06/2007 10:06:08) [查看全文]
  A hungry fox saw some ripe black grapes hanging from a vine on a very tall tree. He jumped and jumped, trying to reach them. Again and again, he jumped, but no matter how much he tried, he could not reach them. They were too high for him. Finally, in order to hide his disappointment, he decided he did not really want the grapes. He went off an
(05/06/2007 10:05:34) [查看全文]
  It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.
  I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unit
(05/06/2007 10:04:07) [查看全文]
  The Spring Festival,also known as the Lunar New Year, is the greatest
  traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a year's toil,and
  means celebration as well. Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses,
(05/02/2007 08:12:18) [查看全文]
 You and I make us,
  and all of us together make a family.
  Your family might be small——
  maybe just you and your
  mother or father.
  Or it might be big and include
  you and your parents,
  and brothers
(05/02/2007 08:11:02) [查看全文]
  Paul Veriaine
  Your soul is a sealed garden, and there go With masque and bergamasque fair companies Playing on lutes and dancing and as though Sad under their fantastic fripperies.
  Though they in minor keys go caroling Of love the conqueror and of life the boon They seem to doubt the
(05/02/2007 08:09:21) [查看全文]
  The very earliest inhabitants of Spain are known as the Iberians, and they probably came from North Africa.
  From about 900 BC onwards, groups of Celtic people from central Europe started to drift across the Pyrenees into the peninsula and to settle there.
(05/02/2007 08:08:17) [查看全文]
 In the cities of Italy, piazzas are the acknowledged centers of local activity. Revolutions are preached there, crowds harangued, heretics burned, confetti sprinkled.
  Every day marks a new period in the perennial urchin - league soccer match on piazzas.Every evening, tables and chairs are hauled onto the sidewalk, and a new hand is dealt in
(05/02/2007 08:06:39) [查看全文]
  The Protestant work ethic and the dismal weather conspire to make eating more of a refueling pit-stop than a social ce1ebration. In the UK, where traditionally food has been the enemy which we cook until it is dead, the lunch hour is just that: one hour and increasingly without alcohol. Perhaps the greatest advantage of a country without a dee
(05/02/2007 08:04:35) [查看全文]
1)。 知人者智, 自知者明。
  胜人者有力, 自胜者强。
  知足者富, 强行者有志,
  不失其所者久, 死而不亡者寿。
  He show knows others in wise;
  He who knows himself is clever;
  He who conquers others is forceful;
  He who knows contentment is rich;
  He who perseveres is a man of will;
  He who does not lose his root can endu
(05/02/2007 08:04:10) [查看全文]
In many northern states the winters are so cold that the lakes freeze right over. In Minnesota, Michigan, and Maine, the ice in these lakes can freeze two to three feet deep.  
(04/25/2007 06:20:53) [查看全文]
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