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一项关于“大学生网恋”的调查显示,在大学生群体中,网恋正成为一种比较普遍的交往与恋爱方式。那么,“网恋”怎么说呢?About 90 percent of Chinese university students regard "Internet love" as an effective way to satisfy their emotional needs, according to a survey by Northeast China Normal University.The survey found that 18.4 percent of respondents admitted they had at least one Int
(09/03/2008 08:05:32) [查看全文]
又到年末,贺岁大片一部部上映,可谓精彩纷呈,《集结号》,《投名状》等都取得了不俗的票房,贺岁电影掀起了阵阵观影热潮,那么,我们经常挂在嘴边的“贺岁大片”怎么说呢?请看新华社的报道:About 86 percent Chinese of audiences have given a high rating to the New Year blockbuster "Assembly," which is unprecedented among the country's holiday hits, according to a survey by the China Film Association.报道中说,根据中国电影学会近日所作的一项调查显示,大约86%的中国观众选
(09/03/2008 08:05:32) [查看全文]
从今年1月1日起,新的劳动合同法正式实施,其中一项措施着力改变劳动合同严重短期化倾向,提出了无固定期限合同的概念,那么“无固定期限合同”怎么说呢?请看《中国日报》的报道:The Labor Contract Law limits overtime, sets minimum wages and guarantees one month's pay for each year worked for sacked employees. It is the first time that the National People's Congress Standing Committee, has ruled on open-ended work contracts and seve
(09/03/2008 08:05:31) [查看全文]
昨晚看电视,中央10套的一个科教节目说一位姓潘的男士患了癌症,为了治好癌症,他自己勤学医书、自撰药方,方子里药的品种多、剂量大(远超一般职业中医开据的药方)不说,还多用毒药。此外,他还生吃蟑螂、蝎子等等。据老潘本人所言,他就是要“以毒攻毒”。不过医学监测的结果好像他的这套方法并没起多大效果,反而他自己有中毒的迹象。所以这里劝大家还是多听听专业医生的话,不要擅自“以毒攻毒”。 今天我们就来学学英语里这个“以毒攻毒”怎么说。 最简短的一个表达可能就是 like cures like 了。这里的 like 可是做名词用的哦,意思就是“用同样的东西去对付同样的东西”。其实它是个谚语啦。比如:Homoeopathy means “like cure
(09/03/2008 08:05:31) [查看全文]
You are a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运儿。 My boss is a jolly dog. 我的老板是个风趣的家伙。 Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意时。 David works like a dog . 大卫工作真卖劲儿。 The film must be a real dog. 这部电影一定很糟糕。 Your partner is a dirty dog. 你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。 The poet died like a dog . 这位 诗 人潦倒而死。 They treated him
(09/03/2008 08:05:30) [查看全文]
先提个醒儿,您得思维敏捷哦!看下面的说法有无问题:“It was hereditary in his family to have no children”。就语法而言,句子本身无可挑剔;就语义而言,这句话很值得探讨——若真的“不要孩子是他们家的一贯传统”,那么现在的“他”似乎早应该消亡了…… 这种“自相矛盾的陈述”在英语中可用“Irish bull”来表达。现实生活中,类似不合乎逻辑、荒诞可笑的说法很多:We ought to say goodbye. Everybody here has left.(大家都走了,我们也该告别了);Our comedies are not to be laughed at(我们的喜剧不是惹人发笑的);With
(09/03/2008 08:05:30) [查看全文]
Its my treat. 我请客
It’s my treat. 
A: Here’s my money for the ice cream.
B: No. It’s my treat. 
A: 这是冰淇淋的钱。
B: 不用了。我请客。 
A: Let’s go bowling. It’s my
(09/03/2008 08:05:30) [查看全文]
J: Hello everyone! I''m Jody. Welcome to American Cafe!
Y: 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋!
J: Yang Chen, our guest today is Mark Boudevaul, from Beverly, West Virginia. And he has several ways that he makes a living.
Y: Mark住在西维吉尼亚的Beverly. 你说他同时有好几种工作,听上去很有意思。那他的主要工作是什么呢?
J: Primarily, Mark is a beekeeper.
Y: Beekeepe
(09/03/2008 08:05:29) [查看全文]
J: Hello I''m Jody and welcome to American Cafe!
Y: 大家好。我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。Jody我们为什么放这个音乐?我现在觉得我到了太空一样。
J: Because, Yang Chen, today we are visiting a different world. The world of teenagers!!
Y: No! 我们能不能谈点儿别的?
J: Calm down, calm down. It''ll be okay. Besides we were all teenagers once. Do you remember when you became a
(09/03/2008 08:05:29) [查看全文]
J: Hello everyone! I''m Jody. Welcome to American Cafe
Y: 各位好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。
J: Our guest today is Liz. She''s a friend of mine and also a neighbor in the house where I live.
Y: Jody, 你又采访了你的朋友?我看你快把你的朋友和邻居得罪光了。
J: Oh, no no. They''re used to it. And I think they really enjoy it. Anyway, Liz and I we were talking th
(09/03/2008 08:05:29) [查看全文]
Y: 各位好,欢迎到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。
J: Hey, Yang Chen, don''t forget to keep next weekend free.
Y: Oh, 对,下个周末我们要去看音乐剧。因为Eric要在里面扮演一个角色。说Eric起来,我觉得他可是够忙碌的,又要上学,又要参加学校剧团的演出。
J: He is a very busy 14 -year old. But you know, all kids sooner or later are in a school play.
Y: 是吗,所有的孩子都有机会参加演出啊?
J: Oh sure. And today we''ll hear
(09/03/2008 08:05:28) [查看全文]
J: Hello I''m Jody and welcome to American Cafe!
Y: 我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。
J: Hey Yang Chen, isn''t your college reunion coming up soon?
Y: 没错,一想到要和多年没见面的同学相聚,我激动得连觉都睡不着了。
J: You know we have a saying, "The friends you make in college are the friends you have for life." And today we''re going to meet Jennifer and Sharrin. T
(09/03/2008 08:05:28) [查看全文]
Y: 大家好,我是杨晨,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋!
J: Hello everyone! I''m Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! Hey Yang Chen, what''s that you''re reading?
Y: 噢!没什么啦!
J: Let me see.
J: The Peace Corps?
Y: 是啊,我正在看一些关于和平队的材料。
J: You''re thinking of joining the Peace Corps?
Y: 哎,你干吗那么惊讶呢?
J: Well, I'
(09/03/2008 08:05:27) [查看全文]

Burn the midnight oil的意思就是挑灯夜读,也就是我们平常所说的熬夜,开夜车。在英文中,这个用法也由来已久了,可以追溯到人们最初开始使用油灯的时候。如果在午夜时分燃烧灯油,那也就意味着熬夜苦读、看书了。
比如:I have a big test tomorrow morning
(09/03/2008 08:05:27) [查看全文]
By Rachel Zupek
Ever held a differing opinion from your boss? Boasted dissimilar ideas than your co-worker? Been knocked out by a colleague over a disagreement about a project? (OK, so the last one might be a stretch, but it's happened before...)
Join the clu
(09/03/2008 08:05:27) [查看全文]
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