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[日期:2008-07-15]   [字体: ]

在我国漫长的封建社会中,先后出现了 219位“真龙天子”。这些人间帝王都有 权广置“后宫佳丽”。这些皇后皇妃大多是被污辱者、被践踏者和被玩弄者,她们的 下场是悲惨的。中国最后一个皇帝——爱新觉罗·溥仪,也有他的皇后和皇妃。 但是在特定的历史条件下,随着时代的变迁和末代皇帝的新生,这些皇后皇妃有 着不同的命运:有的悲惨地死去了;有的在新社会中得到了新生;有的真正成了幸福 的妻子。   可悲的皇后——婉容 婉容是紫禁城内最后一个拥有皇后地位的女性。 公元1922年12月1日,溥仪娶了一后一妃。皇后叫郭布罗·婉容。淑妃就是文绣。 婉容的曾祖父曾任清代吉林将军。婉容册封皇后时年方17。她长得很美:杏眼玉肌, 黑发如云,亭亭玉立,姿色迷人,而且是百里挑一的才女。但是,溥仪一开始并没有 选中她,原因是溥仪选皇后时并未见到真人,是用照片代替的。 因为那时的照相技术不佳,溥仪自己回忆说:在我看来,四张照片都是一个模样, 实在分不出丑俊来。他便不假思索地在文绣照片上用笔画了个圈儿。但是溥仪之母— —端康太妃不满意,溥仪又顺从地在婉容的像片上画了一下,结果立婉容为后,文绣 为妃,从此决定了两人的命运。 据说溥仪对他圈选的皇后还是挺喜欢的。婉容未入宫时,常常接到来自养心殿的 电话,皇上与她絮絮长谈。可是,婉容入宫的头一天就和皇上闹了别扭。按旧例,于 大婚前一日进宫的淑妃,要对皇后行跪迎之礼。因皇帝常看新书,多少受到人权平等 说的熏染,免去了这项礼节。这下可惹怒了皇后。洞房花烛夜,婉容竟拒绝""皇上入 房。溥仪只得在养心殿冷冷清清独宿了一夜。 婉容在紫禁城中生活了近两年。她很“摩登”,喜爱骑马和吃西餐,还跟美国人 学英语。她经常用英文和皇上通信。溥仪给她起了个英国名字——伊丽沙白。 最初几年,溥仪与婉容的关系还好,后来婉容和文绣的矛盾日益加深,两人常由 猜疑而生事,溥仪不得不常常给她们“断官司”。

婉容比较霸道,自恃是皇后,总存 心排挤文绣。溥仪为了减少罗嗦,有许多夜晚,既不去储秀宫,也不去重华宫,只在 自己的养心殿中。婉容在空虚和寂寞的环境中生活着,她虽然每天要用去100——200 两银子的生活费,换回的也不过是无聊,由于无法消除的郁闷,逐渐染上了吸鸦片的 嗜好,最终因烟瘾断送了生命。 溥仪失去了皇帝身份,被逐出宫后,婉容在1925年随溥仪到了天津,在日租界的 张园里过着豪华的生活。婉容常常以“济贫”为手段,把自己打扮成救世善人。1931 年江淮发大水时,婉容献出一串珍珠救灾,一时传为美谈,京、津、沪的报纸纷纷刊 出“皇后”玉照和那串闪亮的珍珠。 “九·一八”事变后,溥仪在日本帝国主义的诱骗下,偷偷潜入东北,当了傀儡 ——伪满皇帝。婉容也在日本女间谍川岛芳子的怂恿下去了大连。后来又到长春,住 在伪执政府的缉照楼中,成了执政夫人。婉容的居室铺有地毯,四壁用带有素色花纹 图案的金黄色彩绸裱镶,玻璃窗上安着纱和绸的几层窗帘,整个布置富丽、典雅。但 是她很快发现原来自己钻进了鸟笼,她在宫中的一举一动都受到日本侍女的监视和告 密。她想设法逃走,没能走成,在“满洲”过了漫长而又黑暗的14年。这时的溥仪对 婉容越来越反感,由于婉容挤走了文绣,溥仪怪婉容不好,很少和她说话,也很少到 婉容的卧室去。无限的空虚、冷寞和寂寥在婉容的内心郁结成疾,天长日久,便得了 精神失常的疾病。后来,溥仪发现了婉容和随侍私通有孕,非常气恼。婉容跪在溥仪 面前,泪流满面地哀求他,希望能承认这个无罪的婴儿,但溥仪坚决不应。这个没有 取得出生权利的女婴儿,生下来只半个小时便死掉了,被送进内廷的锅炉里烧化了。 婉容这时还以为孩子已被送到宫外找人抚养。 从此婉容被打入冷宫。她的神经病越犯越重,烟瘾越来越大。昔日美貌绝伦的皇 后变成了骨瘦如柴、披头散发的活鬼。婉容在政治和生活的地狱中,挣扎了漫长的14 年,死时身边没有一个亲人。那些当年受她皇恩润泽,享受荣华富贵的亲友,没有人 照看她,也没有人去寻找她的尸骨。 文绣和“妃革命” 文绣是我国历史上第一个敢于向封建皇帝提出离婚并诉诸法院获得成功的皇妃, 从而摆脱了婉容那样的悲惨命运。 文绣进宫那年尚不满14岁,还是一个天真烂漫的少女。可她一踏进那高大的围墙, 便失去了一切自由。她在一篇短文中,把自己比做“悲鸣宛转”、“奄奄待毙”的“ 哀苑鹿”。皇后婉容欺侮文绣,皇帝总是偏袒皇后。有一天,文绣独自外出,回来后 在院子里吐了一口唾沫,凑巧婉容正坐在旁边,便生了疑心。皇后要求皇帝对文绣当 面斥责,文绣蒙受此不白之冤,感到十分委屈。从此,婉容和文绣之间的疙瘩便愈结 愈深,以致发展到水火不相容的地步。 文绣在外貌上确实不如婉容美丽:椭圆形的脸稍胖,眉毛浓重,眼睛缺乏神采, 口角较大。但论思想却远远超过婉容,她追求自由,也很有勇气。 1931年 8月26日,文绣在胞妹文珊的陪伴下,带一名随身太监出外“散心”。出 门后,就指令司机一直开向国民饭店。进房坐定后,文珊正色告诉太监说:“你先回 去吧!淑妃留在这儿了,还要向法院控告皇上哪!”被此话震惊的太监,双腿长跪哀 请淑妃回宫。

文绣态度坚决,从袖中出示三封信,让他转告皇上。太监还想哀求,只 听房门一响,三位西装革履的律师走进室内,太监只好登车而去。 文绣的出走,犹如向封建统治阶级甩出了一枚炸弹,震荡了平津。溥仪焦急万分, 召集遗老商议如何处理这件丑事。最后决定委托律师出面,争取和解,但因双方坚持 己见,差距太大,未能达成协议。 文绣出走,是在当时封建势力核心人物头上动了一把土,不能不激怒那顽固存在 的旧世界。封建礼教的卫道士们如黑云压城般向这位不愿再当皇妃的青年女子压了过 去。打前阵的不是别人,却正是文绣的族兄文绮!这位族兄在信中写道:惠心二妹鉴: 顷闻汝将与逊帝请求离异,不胜骇诧。此等事件,岂是我守旧人家所可行者?我家受 清室厚恩二百余载,我祖我宗四代官至一品。且漫云逊帝对汝并无虐待之事,即果然 虐待,在汝亦应耐死忍受,以报清室之恩德。今竟出此,吾""妹吾妹,汝实糊涂万分, 荒廖万分矣! 文绣并不屈服,她给文绮复了一信:文绮族兄大鉴:妹与兄不同父,不同祖,素 无来往,妹入宫九载未曾与兄相见一次,今我兄竟肯以族兄关系,不顾中华民国刑法 第二百九十九条及三百二十五条之规定,而在各报纸上公然教妹耐死。又公然诽谤三 妹,如此忠勇殊堪钦佩。 ………………查民国宪法第六条,民国国民无男女、种族、宗教、阶级之区别, 在法律上一律平等。妹因九年独居,未受过平等待遇,故委托律师商榷别居办法,此 不过要求逊帝根据民国法律施以人道之待遇,不使父母遗体受法外凌辱致死而已。不 料我族兄竟一再诬妹逃亡也、离异也、诈财也……理合函请我兄嗣后多读法律书,向 谨言慎行上作工夫,以免触犯民国法律,是为至盼……。 这封信写得有理有据,何等痛快!当时有人把淑妃出走叫做“妃革命”。 溥仪虽然采取多种办法调解,文绣断然拒绝,坚决向天津地方法院提出了诉状。 文绣硬了,溥仪也就软了,让“皇帝”在法庭相见,简直是要他的命。经过双方律师 两个月的磋商,终于签字和解,双方协议完全脱离关系。溥仪给文绣 5.5万元的生活 费。文绣永不再嫁。双方互不损害名誉。 文绣用这笔经律师、中间人和家人克扣后所余甚少的赡养费办了一所小学,亲身 任教,终身未嫁,直到1950年因病去世。她是我国历史上第一个当过教师的皇妃。 贵妃谭玉龄之死 1937年,溥仪为了表示对婉容的惩罚,也为了有个必不可少的摆设,另选了一名 牺牲品谭玉龄。 谭玉龄那年只有17岁,正在北京的中学堂念书。按祖制规定,清朝皇帝的妻妾分 为皇后、皇贵妃、贵妃、妃、嫔、贵人、常在、答应等八级。玉龄被“册封”为“祥 贵人”,是皇帝的第六等妻子。 溥仪很喜欢摄影,有人曾根据宫中散落的照片进行统计。据说数千张照片中,皇 后婉容露脸的只有 8张,而谭玉龄的却有33张之多,可见溥仪爱情之所在。溥仪确实 很喜欢潭玉龄,直到这位皇帝成为公民后,还将玉龄的照片贴身携带。 “宫廷学生”毓, 1.6米左右的个头,体态苗条,在那五官端正的凸形脸上,只 见长长睫毛下,有双不大不小的眼睛忽闪忽闪的,头发是用火剪子烫出的大卷,双耳 都戴着玉坠,穿一身苹果绿颜色的丝绒旗袍,这一些更显出她裸露在外的面部以及手 臂皮肤的白嫩与细腻。从杨景竹的回忆录中,还可以看出,谭玉龄是一个心地善良、 性格温柔的女子,不摆皇妃架子,礼貌待客,对下人十分和气。溥仪有时受了日本主 人的气后,回到寝宫心情烦闷而又暴躁,往往无缘无故地对谭玉龄大发脾气,有一次 甚至把“祥贵人”身上穿的旗袍撕得粉碎。对此谭玉龄不仅能够忍耐,而且还宽慰丈 夫,使他心平气和下来。 溥仪没有想到,过了 7年如漆似胶的日子后,24岁的谭玉龄却一命呜呼。关于谭 玉龄的死,至今还是个谜。 当时在宫廷中的毓溥仪的第三个妻子叫谭玉龄(初封“祥贵人”,死后封“明贤 贵妃”),身患膀胱炎,引起来时和吉冈在内廷候见室谈了一个小时的话。然后进入 内廷“辑熙楼”的玉龄寝室内诊治。不料经注射后不到天明即行死去。人们都说玉龄 之死是吉冈所下的毒手。 因为早在婉容精神失常以后,吉冈就向溥仪提议选一个日本女人入宫。溥仪推说 已在北京选好,不久即将接来,这就是谭玉龄。吉冈当时虽然不满,但也不便过分干 涉。恰好玉龄有病,遂下此毒手。 “吉冈”就是在皇帝身边监视他一举一动的“御用挂”,他的全名是吉冈安直中 将。谭玉龄是否确系吉冈所害,众说纷纭,没有更多的证据,溥仪对此也深表怀疑。 “福”贵人最终得福 谭玉龄死后,吉冈向溥仪又提前议,并给溥仪找来不少日本女人的像片,让溥仪 选择。溥仪害怕自己的私生活会让日本人知道,便推托说:“谭玉龄尸骨未寒,暂时 不想结婚。”后来,在60多张伪满中、小学校的女学生照片中,溥仪选中了李玉琴。 因为李玉琴才15岁,从照片上可以看出她的天真、单纯和幼稚,这正是溥仪所需要的。 李玉琴被册封为福贵人,溥仪看着胖乎乎的玉琴说:“以后遇到什么不吉利的事 情,用你的福就可以克住了。” 李玉琴真的有“福”吗?今天当她接近退休时,当上了长春市政协委员,有自己 温暖的家庭,可以说她是幸福的,然而在过去几十年中,她走过了一段多么曲折的路 啊! 李玉琴出身贫苦,入宫以后,常常被人看不起。 
3 溥仪的五个妻子 
 溥仪为了控制她,首先订出了让 她永远不能翻身的21条,主要内容是:必须无条件地遵守清王朝的祖制;一切言行都 要顺从溥仪,即使和父母通信也要先得到批准;必须忠实地伺候溥仪一辈子,思想上 偶然起了不该起的念头,也要立即请罪;不许回家和亲人见面,不许私蓄一分钱,不 许打听外事,不许愁眉苦脸等等。溥仪让她亲手抄写“笔据”,在佛前立誓后焚烧, 让她终生为自己承担义务。 溥仪高兴时就让李玉琴唱歌给他听,或是做体操给他看,不高兴时就申斥她,用 笤帚打她,发完脾气还要捧出“21条”不许愁眉苦脸,强迫她破涕为笑。 日本投降以后,随着“满洲帝国”的垮台,李玉琴生活在溃逃、流离和动荡的日 子里。那时溥仪已到了苏联。1946年解放长春以后,李玉琴回到了娘家,由于娘家人 的坚持,又把她送到了天津溥仪的族兄溥修家里居住。溥修是个顽固的清室遗老,他 禁锢李玉琴如同囚犯一样。李玉琴在这个封建家庭里生活了 5年,做饭洗衣,如同奴 仆,还常常挨饿,连手纸都不给。天津解放后,玉琴要求出去工作,溥修却说什么: “饿死事小,失节事大。”李玉琴只好靠织毛衣度日。 李玉琴因为是贫农出身,虽然在同德殿里逐渐变得满足、娇懒,但她在思想感情 上和那些贵族是不一样的,在新社会的影响和政府的帮助下,她明白了许多道理。她 参加了扫盲班,以后又回到了东北,参加了工作,并于1957年和溥仪离了婚。当时的 溥仪正在抚顺接受改造。 李玉琴离婚后和当时在长春广播电台的一个工作人员结了婚,重新建立起幸福美 满的家庭。 爱人、妻子李淑贤 溥仪得到特赦后,他的个人生活发生了新的变化。1962年他又结婚了,对方就是 李淑贤。结婚那年,她是个三十七岁的大姑娘。 她是杭州人,从小失去父母。当时她是北京朝阳区关厢医院的护士。婚后两人相 亲相爱,几乎达到不能分离的地步。溥仪曾向李淑贤说:“以前我在宫中时,根本不 懂夫妻之间应有的相互关系,妻子是我的玩物和摆设,高兴了就去玩一会儿,不高兴 就几天不理。我是从来不知爱情为何物的,只是遇见你,才晓得人世间还有这样甜蜜 的东西存在。” 溥仪无微不至地关怀妻子,1963年夏季北京暴雨如注,公共交通一时受阻,溥仪 下班后,急忙从家中取了一把伞,冒雨趟水去接李淑贤。他等了半天,不见李淑贤的 人影,只得往回走。突然,他发现路上有个没上盖的水道口,溥仪生怕妻子路过那里 踩了进去,于是,就在那里直挺挺地守了好一会儿。 溥仪和李淑贤在一起幸福地生活了5年。1967年10月7日,溥仪因患肾癌而逝世。 溥仪逝世时,正处于“XX”期间,李淑贤在周总理和政协的关怀下,生活一直很好。

China's long feudal society, has a 219 "genuine dragon emperor." These emperors have the right to human-home "concubines beauty." Most of these Queen's Huang Fei was humiliating, being trampled on and was playing with, their fate is tragic. China's last emperor - Aixinjueluo Puyi, but also he and the Queen's Huang Fei. However, in specific historical conditions, with the changes of time and the last emperor of the newborn, the Queen's Huang Fei have a different fate: Some tragically died; some of the new society by the newborn; some really became The well-being of his wife. Queen's sad - Wanrongwanrong Forbidden City is the last one with the Queen's status of women. Year on December 1, 1922, Puyi married after a one-Fei. Queen Guo told Brokaw Wanrong. Shufei is Wenxiu. Wanrong's GREat-grandfather served as the Qing Dynasty general of Jilin. Wanrong canonization of Queen's side at 17 years. She Zhang Dehen the United States: Xingyanyuji, black hair like clouds, Tingtingyuli, Zise charming, but also the Cainv Bailitiaoyi. However, Pu Yi did not start checking her, because Puyi Queen's election had not been to see a real person, instead of using the photo. At that time, because of poor photography, Puyi himself recalled: In my view, four photos are like a really ugly Fenbu Chu Chun to. He unthinkingly in Wenxiu photos used on the stroke of Quaner. But the mother of Pu Yi - - Tai Fei-Hong is not satisfied with, Puyi and obedience in Wanrong painting on a photograph of the results for the legislation Wanrong, Wenxiuweifei, from decided the fate of the two. It is said that Pu Yi to his circle of the Queen's still quite like. Rugong not Wan Rong, Yang Xindian often received from the telephone, Xu Xu Huang Shang, who held talks with her. However, Wanrongrugong on the first day of the downtown and Huang Shang Bieniu. Under the old cases, in the pre-marriage on the 1st of Shufei palace, the Queen's visit to kneel to greet the ceremony. For the emperor often see new books, said the number of equality of human rights by the Xunran, dismissed from this courtesy. Zhexia Ke angered the Queen. Anthurium wedding night, has refused to Wanrong "," Huang Shang into the room. Pu Yi Yang Xindian only in the empty places alone overnight. Wanrong life in the Forbidden City in the past two years. She was "modern", like horse riding and eating food, Haigen Americans learn English. She often in English and Huang Shang communications. Puyi give her name from the British - Elisabeth. The first few years, the relationship between Puyi and Wanrong Fortunately, later Wanrong Wenxiu and the increasing contradictions, the two often by suspicion and cause trouble, Puyi often have to give them "off the case." Wanrong relatively high-handed, count on the Queen's total deliberately exclude Wen Xiu. In order to reduce Luosuo Puyi, there are many nights, neither to Chuxiu Gong, nor to re-Palace, only in their own Yang Xindian. Wanrong in the emptiness and loneliness of life in an environment, although her daily use to 100 - 200 of the two silver living expenses, in exchange for the boring but also because of the depressed can not be eliminated gradually infected with the absorption of opium hobby, The final result of smoking ruin their lives. Emperor Puyi lost their identity, were expelled from the Palais, Wanrong in 1925 with Puyi to Tianjin, the concession in the gardens of living a luxurious life. Wanrong often use the "poor" as a means to themselves as saviors Shanren. Jianghuai the 1931 flood, Wan Rong gave a string of pearls, providing disaster relief, 1-for Meitan, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai newspapers have published the "Queen's" Yu Zhao and Nachuan shining pearl. "September 18" Incident, the Japanese imperialists in the Puyi lure, secretly sneaked into the Northeast, as a puppet - Puppet emperor. Japanese woman Wan Rong also instigated espionage Chuandaofangzi go Dalian. Later went to Changchun, living in pseudo-bailiffs floor, as the Government's Jisi, a ruling his wife. Wanrong has paved the living room carpet, walls with a tread pattern of plain gold inlay Caichou mounted, the window of yarn and several layers of silk curtains, the entire layout Wealthy, elegant. But she soon discovered that their cage to get her in court actions are subject to Japan's maid of surveillance and informers. She would like to try to escape, did not go into the "Manchukuo" after a long and dark 14. At that moment, the Puyi of the Wanrong growing resentment, as Wanrongjizou the Wenxiu, Puyi strange Wanrong well, and she rarely speak little to Wanrong to the bedroom. Infinite emptiness, in Wanrong Jiliao Lengmo and blues into the heart disease, Tianzhangrijiu, mental disorders have won the disease. Later, Puyi found Wanrong and Suishi fornication pregnant, very Qinao. Wanrong kneel in front of Puyi, the tears and begged him, hoping to recognize this innocent baby, but not firmly Puyi. This lack of rights of women born infant, born only half an hour would die, was taken to the boiler, Neiting the Shaohua. Wanrong then thought that the children have been taken to heart for people dependent. Since then Wanrong was Darulenggong. She's more committed more severe neuropathy, smoking is increasing. The Queen's former beauty绝伦become Gushouruchai, Pitousanfa living ghosts. Wanrong in the political life of hell and in the long struggle of 14, who died when no relatives. Who was by her Huangen moisturizes and enjoy Ronghuafugui friends and relatives, no one to care for her, no one to look for her remains. Wenxiu and "Princess revolution" Wenxiu is the history of our country's first feudal emperor Gan Yuxiang to the court for a divorce and the success of Huang Fei, which got rid of Wanrong, as the tragic fate. Wenxiu palace that is still under the age of 14 years, innocent and artless or a girl. She stepped into a wall of the tall, they lost everything free. In one of her essays, and compare their "Beimingwanzhuan", "Yan Yan question to death" and "sorrow Court deer." Queen's Wanrong bullying Wenxiu, the emperor always partial to Queen's. One day, alone on Wenxiu, back after a spit in the yard a spittle, incidentally Wanrong sitting next to it a suspicion of Health. Queen's request to the emperor personally reprimanded Wenxiu, Wenxiu suffered Bubaizhiyuan this was very wronged. Since then, Wanrong Wenxiu between the lump and the more guitar Yu Shen, resulting in the development of the水火不相容stage. Wenxiu in the appearance as Wanrong indeed beautiful: oval-shaped face slightly built, thick eyebrows, the lack of eyes look good, the larger argument. But on Ideological and has far exceeded Wanrong, her pursuit of freedom, but also very courageous. August 26, 1931, Baomei Wenxiu in the text, accompanied by Susan, to go out with a portable eunuchs "divergent." Go out, drivers on the directive has been opened to the National Hotel. Zuoding into the room, told Wen-shan orthophotomaps eunuchs, said: "you first go back! Shufei stay here, but also to the court against Huang Shang!" This remark was shocked by the eunuchs, legs Changgui mourning please Shufei Huigong.

Wenxiu resolute, Xiuzhong produce three letters, let him tell Huang Shang. Eunuchs would also like to beg, is only one ring for the door, up by three lawyers into the room, eunuchs had to board the left. Wenxiu doing, as if to the feudal ruling class甩出a bomb, the shock of the Beiping-Tianjin. Puyi very anxious, Yilao to convene deliberations of how to deal with this scandals. Finally decided to entrust lawyers come forward to strive for reconciliation, but the two sides Jianchijijian, the gap too, failed to reach aGREement. Wenxiu left in the feudal forces core figure was the head of a dynamic earth, can not but angered the persistence of the old world. Wei Daoshi feudal ethics of their city as if biotite pressure to Huang Fei, who asked not to another young woman when the pressure of the past. Playing none other than the former RUF, it is the Zuxiong Wenxiu, Jennifer! The Zuxiong wrote in the letter: Er Mei Kam-heart: ares Wen Yu will Dili's request for divorce and I would be hacked Cha. These events, How can I be feasible by the conservative people who » Qingshihouen my home by more than 200 set, I ancestors of four generations of my Guanzhi a goods. And diffuse clouds Dili on Ru's no abuse, that is really abuse, should be in Ruyi resistance put up with death, reported to the Qing Shi Ende. This has to this, I, "" Wu Mei-mei, Yu is very confused, just extreme shortage of Liao! Wenxiu not yield to her to the text of a letter-chi: The big Kam-chi Zuxiong: sister and brother different father, different ancestors, in no contacts, sister Rugong 9 has not been set to meet with a brother, my brother today Was willing to Zuxiong, regardless of the Republic of China Criminal Law and the 299th of the 325 provisions, and in the newspapers openly resistant to the girl died. Also openly slander Sanmei, so Zhongyong it is indeed admirable. ……………… Investigations in article VI of the Constitution, men and women in non-national, racial, religious, class of distinction, to equality before the law. Sister for nine years living alone, not with equal treatment, the lawyers commissioned by the separation questionable methods, but this Dili's request in accordance with the law imposed humanely treated, the body does not enable parents to death by the law, abuse it. Unexpectedly, I Zuxiong has repeatedly Wu Mei also fled, also divorced, also…… Zhacai rationale brother asked me a letter later and more reading of the law, to make more cautious, in order to avoid breaching the law, is to hope for…… . The letter written justified, how Excitement! It was then Shufei to flee called "Princess revolution." Puyi Although adopt a variety of ways mediation, Wenxiu flatly rejected, and resolutely to Tianjin District Court for indictment. Wenxiu hard, Puyi also soft, so that "the emperor" in court each other, it is to his life. After two months of negotiations the two sides lawyer, has finally signed reconciliation agreement between the two parties completely from the relationship. Puyi to Wenxiu 55,000 yuan of living expenses. Wenxiu never Remarriage. The two sides are not damaged reputation. Wenxiu, as used by the lawyers, middlemen and their families after the deduction of little more than the alimony to do a primary school, taught in person, life Weijia, until 1950, died. She is the history of our country first as a teacher Huang Fei. Royal Tan Yuling's death in 1937, Puyi in order to express the Wanrong punishment, but also essential in order to have a display, select a victim of Tan Yuling. Tan Yuling That year only 17 years old, is in Beijing to study in school. According to the ancestral system, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty Qiqie into Queen's, Royal Emperor, Royal, Princess, Pin,贵人, often, such as promised eight. Yu-ling was "canonized" to "Cheung贵人", the sixth emperor, and so is his wife. Puyi liked photography, according to court have been scattered photographs of statistics. It is said that thousands of photos, the Queen's Wanrong faceless only eight, while the Tan Yuling have as many as 33, that Puyi love lie. Puyi really like Tam Yu-ling, until the emperor to become citizens, Yu-ling will also carry personal photographs. "Palace students," Yu, 1.6 meters around the head, slender body, in that Wuguanduanzheng the convex face, saw the long lashes, a dual-medium Hushanhushan the eyes, hair is a hot fire scissors The Large, all ears, wearing a jade pendant, wearing a velvet Qipao Ping Guolv of color, showing her bare some of the outside skin of the face and arm Bainen and delicate. Bamboo from YANG Jing's memoirs, also can be seen, is a心地善良Tan Yuling, gentle character of the woman, Huang Fei did not put a shelf, courtesy hospitality, the very human harmony. Puyi sometimes by the Japanese masters of the gas, return to the feelings of Fanmen Qingong and hot, often for no reason at all to the big Fapi Qi Tan Yuling, even once, "Cheung贵人" on the Qipao wearing torn to pieces. Tan Yuling this can not only be patient, but also relieved her husband so that he calm down. Puyi did not expect, after seven years as plastic paint like the days after the 24-year-old Tan Yuling has Yimingwuhu. About Tan Yuling's death is still a mystery. At that time, the court in the third Yupu-wife called Tan Yuling (closed early, "Cheung贵人", after closure, "Mingxian Royal"), suffering from cystitis, and when the cause to designate see Jigang in Neiting Room for an hour on it. Then go to Neiting "series-hee floor," the age-bedroom, diagnosis and treatment. Unexpectedly, the injection after dawn that will not die. People say Yu-ling's death is Jigang by the supporters. Because of mental disorders as early as in Wanrong after Jigang to Puyi on the proposed election of a Japanese woman Rugong. Pu Yi said in Beijing pushing selected, will soon be access to, and this is Tan Yuling. Jigang Although dissatisfied with the time, but it does not have undue interference. Yu-ling just sick, then under their supporters. "Ji Gang" is the emperor who monitor his every move ", QC, linked to," he's full name is Lieutenant General Jigang An straight. Tan Yuling is in fact a Jigang by the victims, opinion, without more evidence, Pu Yi is also deeply suspect. "Blessing"贵人final wonderful Tan Yuling after his death, Jigang ahead of you and also to Puyi, and to Puyi found many Japanese women's photos, Puyi choice. Puyi fear that their privacy will let Japanese people know that we shirk it responsibility, said: "Tan Yuling Shiguweihan, temporarily do not want to get married." Later, in more than 60-Puppet in primary and secondary female students in the photo, Puyi selected LI Yu-qin. LI Yu-qin because only 15 years old, can be seen from the photos on her naive, innocent and naive, this is Puyi needs. LI Yu-qin was canonized as Fugui, Puyi Panghu Hu watched the Yuqin said: "encountered after an inauspicious things, with the blessing you can live a gram." Yu-Qin Li is a "blessing"? » When her close to retirement today, when the Changchun City on the CPPCC members, has its own warmth of the family, said she is happy, but in the past several decades, how she covered a tortuous road ah! Yu-Qin Li from the poor, Rugong later, people often look down on. 
3 Puyi of the five wives
  In order to control her Puyi, the first set she had never turned the 21, the main contents are: the need to unconditionally comply with the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty; words and deeds must comply Puyi, even if the parents and communication also have to be ratified; Puyi must faithfully serve for life, should not be ideologically occasionally has been the idea, we should also immediately Qingzui; not allowed to go home and meet with relatives, while the Sixu cent, while looking for Foreign Affairs, while the Choumeikulian, and so on. Puyi her own copy, "according to T", vowed before the Buddha after burning, for her lifelong commitment to their obligations. Puyi happy to let Yu-Qin Li, singing to him, or do gymnastics to him, unhappy at the reprimand her, hit her with Tiaozhou, to temper the End Pengchu "21" while Choumeikulian, forced She Potiweixiao. After Japan surrendered, as "Manchukuo Empire" collapsed, LI Yu-qin live in scattered, displaced and turbulent days. At that time, Puyi had come to the Soviet Union. After the 1946 liberation of Changchun, Yu-Qin Li returned to the home, because the family insisted that she sent to Tianjin again the Zuxiong Pu Pu Yi Xiu living at home. Pu repair is a stubborn Qingshiyilao, LI Yu-qin, as his detention as prisoners. LI Yu-qin in this feudal family life for five years, cooking laundry, as slaves, often go hungry, not even to the paper towel. After the liberation of Tianjin, Yuqin request out of work, Pu said that any amendment: "starvation of small things, big things Shijie." Yu-Qin Li Zhi Maoyi had to live on. LI Yu-qin is because Pinnong origin, although in Tongde the Temple gradually become satisfied, Jiao lazy, but her thoughts and feelings and is not the same as those of the nobility, the impact of the new society and the government's help, she understood Many reasons. She participated in the literacy classes, after returning to the Northeast, participated in the work and in 1957 and divorced Puyi. At that time, the acceptance of Pu Yi is Fushun. After the divorce, and Yu-Qin Li Changchun was in a radio staff end of the marriage, re-establish a happy happy family. Wife, his wife Li Shuxian Puyi get amnesty, his personal life new changes have taken place. In 1962 he married, the other is Li Shuxian. Married that year, she is a 37-year-old Tai Guniang. She is the Hangzhou people, who lost their parents. At that time, she is Beijing's Chaoyang District Guanxiang hospital nurses. They love each other after marriage, almost inseparable state. Puyi to Li Shuxian, said: "I am in court before, between husband and wife should simply do not understand the relationship between the wife is my plaything and linens, happy to play a while, a few days not to upset Arguments. I never love that I do not know of, just met you, Ren Shijian only know there are such sweet things there. "Puyi and meticulous care for his wife and 1963 Beijing Summer rainstorm such as Notes, 1 blocked public transport, Pu Yi After work, quickly took an umbrella from home, pick up the rain Tangshui Li Shuxian. He waited for a long time, but not the silhouette Li Shuxian, just go back. Suddenly, he found that there were no shelters on the water crossings, the wife of Puyi fear into the pedal passing through there, therefore, that there Zhiting Ting Shou a good while. Pu Yi and Li Shuxian happy to live together for five years. October 7, 1967, Pu Yi died of renal cell carcinoma and death. Puyi's death, is in a "XX", Premier Zhou and Li Shuxian in the care of the CPPCC, life has been very good.
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第 1 页: 影片人物介绍 第 2 页: 溥仪生平档案介绍
第 3 页: 溥仪不是同性恋 第 4 页: 溥仪的五个妻子
第 5 页: 末代皇后婉容的一生(图)
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