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[日期:2008-07-15]   [字体: ]

溥仪(1906一1967),中国清朝末代皇帝,伪满洲国皇帝。清入关后第十代皇帝。道光帝曾孙,酵亲王载沣子,姓爱新觉罗,字浩然。满族。1908年 11月14日 , 被立为嗣皇帝,授载沣为摄政王,年号宣统。

1912年中华民国成立 ,登基不满3年的溥仪由隆裕太后于2月12日代行颁布《退位诏书》。根据清室退位优待条件规定,不废帝号,仍居宫禁。

1917年7月1日,溥仪在紫禁城召见张勋,接受他的奏请,复辟帝制,恢复宣统年号,但只做了12天皇帝,随着张勋的失败而被迫退位(见张勋复辟)。1924年冯玉祥等发动北京政变后,摄政内阁决定修正清室优待条件,废除皇帝称号并将其驱逐出宫。溥仪先搬进原醇王府,不久逃入日本公使馆。1925年2 月由日本便衣警察护送到天津日租界 ,继续进行复辟活动。

1931年九一八事变后,在侵华日军的策划下潜往东北。次年3月,当上伪满洲国执政 。 1934年3月又改称伪满洲帝国皇帝 ,改元康德。溥仪于1935年4月和1940年6月 ,以伪满洲国皇帝的身份,先后两次访问日本。

1945年8月14日日本无条件投降后 , 溥仪于8月17日逃往日本途中被苏军俘获,押到西伯利亚,在集中营里关押5年。

1950年8月溥仪与其他伪满洲国战犯一起被苏联政府移交给中国政府,先后在哈尔滨和抚顺两个战犯管理所关押10年 ,1959年12月4经中华人民共和国最高人民法院根据特赦令予以释放。后任全国政协文史资料委员会专员,1964年任中国人民政治协商会议第四届全国委员会委员。


Puyi (1906 1 1967), the last Qing emperor, the emperor puppet Manchukuo. - Entry after the 10th emperor. Emperor Daoguang GREat-grandson, Prince fermentation Feng-contained, Aixinjueluo name, the word noble. Manchu. November 14, 1908, the legislature for the people of the emperor, the delegation set out for the Regent Wang Feng, Nianhao Xuantong Period.

The establishment of the Republic of China in 1912, dissatisfied with the accession to the throne three years of Puyi by the queen mother in Long Yu February 12, took the promulgation of the "abdication Zhao Shu." Qing Shi gave preferential treatment under the conditions, not Feidi, remained Gong Jin.

July 1, 1917, Pu Yi summoned Zhang Xun in the Forbidden City, he accepted the Zouqing, restoration of the monarchy and restore Xuantong Period Nianhao, but only a 12-day emperor, with Zhang Xun was forced to abdicate the failure (see Zhang Xun restoration). Feng Yuxiang in 1924, such as Beijing launched after the coup, Regency cabinet decided to amend the conditions Qingshi preferential treatment, by repealing the title of the emperor and expelled Chugong. Puyi first moved into the original alcohol Palace, and soon fled into the Japanese embassy. February 1925 by the Japanese plainclothes officers escorted to the concession in Tianjin, to continue restoration activities.

1931 Mukden Incident, the Japanese invading army in the planning of Qianwang Northeast. The following year in March, when the puppet Manchukuo ruling. March 1934 and renamed the puppet Manchukuo Imperial Emperor, Gaiyuan Kant. Puyi in April 1935 and June 1940, to the puppet Manchukuo as the emperor, twice visited Japan.

August 14, 1945 after Japan's unconditional surrender, Puyi on August 17 fled to Japan by Soviet troops captured the way, Yadao Siberia, in detention camps for five years.

August 1950 Puyi and other pseudo-Manchukuo war criminals along with the Soviet government transferred to the Chinese government has in Harbin and management of the war criminals detained in Fushun two 10, 1959 December 4 by the People's Republic of China Supreme People's Court under the amnesty Be released. CPPCC National Committee, he was appointed Commissioner for Cultural and Historical Data Committee, in 1964 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Fourth National Committee members.

October 17, 1967 suffering from uremia died in Beijing. He was 62-year-old. Cremation, the ashes placed in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing. After Qianzang in Yi County, Hebei Province. Author of "my former life."


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第 1 页: 影片人物介绍 第 2 页: 溥仪生平档案介绍
第 3 页: 溥仪不是同性恋 第 4 页: 溥仪的五个妻子
第 5 页: 末代皇后婉容的一生(图)
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