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[日期:2008-06-01]   [字体: ]


假如你手上有28万元现金,你会怎么做?据2008年5月31日人民网《海峡都市报》特派记者康启荣等报道,晋江有个商人,他提着这么多现金徒步进村,寻访受灾严重的村子, 送钱给最困难的受灾户,挨家挨户给最困难的灾区群众发放现金,从几百到几千元不等,夜宿农村,甚至为多发一户宁愿挨饿。他就是33岁的赖金土——晋江一家陶瓷企业的老总。

在距离成都市区有160多公里的绵竹市土门镇双龙村,赖金土从村委会主任那里拿到了村里最困难的10户名单。 因为村户较分散,赖金土等走到下午4点半,才走了9户。“最后一户,离这儿有2公里远,要不要去?”村主任雷于河问。赖金土说当然要去。从26日开始,赖金土一直在四川安县的几个农村发钱。福建的朋友给赖金土打电话表示关心,也有朋友问他,怎么到现在还没把钱发完。他的回答是,“钱要发完很容易,但要发到最需要的人手上,需要耐心和毅力。”





Disaster areas aftershocks continue, there will be life at any time is a dangerous place. Jinjiang, Fujian businessman Lai Buweijianxian the soil, Shoulin 280,000 cash payment on foot house to house disaster areas. I would like to rely on the soil are doing so, and face-to-face disaster areas, and victims face to face, perhaps to personally feel and to experience the kind of catastrophe among people of good faith, may rely on the soil on what they have Do not think they mind is only an idea in mind - that is, to the disaster areas, to the region where they are most needed to do their own wants, can do, so it.

If you have 28 million yuan in cash, how would you do » According to May 31, 2008 PRC "both sides of Dushi Bao", and other correspondents Kang Qirong, Jinjiang, there is a businessman, he mentioned the village on foot so much cash, Looking for the hard-hit village, Song Qiangei the most difficult disaster Households, house to house to the most difficult people in the disaster areas of cash, from several hundred to several thousand dollars range, overnight accommodation in rural areas, and even more of a would rather go hungry. He is 33-year-old depends on the soil - a ceramic enterprises in Jinjiang veterans.

In the distance from Chengdu, there are over 160 km of the town of Tumen in Mianzhu City Ssangyong Village, Lai, director of the soil from the village committee received the village where the most difficult single username 10. Because the village households more decentralized, depends on the soil, and so come to 16:30, before taking a nine. "Finally one, there are two kilometers away from here far, or to go to» "village director at the River mine asked. Lai said that of course going to the soil. From the beginning on the 26th, depends on the soil has been in several rural areas of Sichuan County of money. Fujian's friends to call that depends on the soil of concern, but also a friend asked him how the money now before the End. He replied, "To the End of money very easily, but to the people most in need of hands, patience and perseverance."

Lai said the soil, these love of the donors, not all of his own, from Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou friends around the business community, a total of 280,000 yuan. If you want the money of the End, it is easy, to which any of the people some of the settlements, each higher standards, less than a day, you can End of the money. But to do so, not the wishes of friends, not his intention, he would prefer less to do business, go some villages in the disaster areas.

We know that Wenchuan after the earthquake, almost all of them chose to contribute money and materials to donate blood the way support the disaster areas, but there are also some like the same soil depends on the people to choose their favorite ways to help the disaster areas, such as Heilongjiang A self-employed grain and oil drove his car La Leyi five nights to five days of the disaster areas, an individual clinics Qujing in Yunnan mother Lale Yi-car obligations to the victims in the disaster areas for medical treatment, there are many such examples.

Some might say that this is what ah, if I have so much money, I will also to the region to also do so. But to the disaster area, is easier said than done » Disaster areas aftershocks continue, there will be life at any time is a dangerous place, the disaster areas impassable roads, the inconvenience to eat or drink, there are many we can not imagine the difficulties. I would like to rely on the soil are doing so, and face-to-face disaster areas, and victims face to face, perhaps to personally feel and to experience the kind of catastrophe among people of good faith, perhaps they already have nothing to They think the heart is only a thought - that is, to the disaster areas, to the region where they are most needed to do their own wants, can do, so it.

Depends on the soil is indeed proud of the businessmen in Fujian.
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