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[日期:2008-05-25]   [字体: ]






Fan US-chung, 1997 in the History Department of Beijing University after graduating from the Sichuan Zigong-secondary school teachers, classroom because of remarks he soon resigned after quite Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu in the media, the teaching profession, in " China Economic Times "and" Southern Sports "and other media of the editor, published a" pursuit of meaningful education "," <guest>: running against nothingness "," <Kite>: the soul of the crime and the sense of remorse consciousness, "" To defeat the concept of the concept - Reading <Hayek-> ", in the Tianya BBS, Sina reading forums, first-line Education Forum, and so can search allegiance to the United States and Fan articles. Dujiangyan in Sichuan are working in the Guangya School.
Fan controversial US-zhong

Friends: He secondary schools to teach a mistake

I still think that Fan allegiance to the United States to teach in secondary schools is a wrong choice, he was education "madman" and especially to their own teaching practice in the course of his real education research. However, China's education status quo so he's full of idealistic people, shut the door. It can be said that as a secondary school teacher, he's still trying to be a failure.

Students: He is farsighted than all teachers

He (Van US-zhong) talk about Lu Xun, Mudan, Tuo Andean properly Yefusiji, told us Kafka, Eliot, Wang Guowei. He feels that we are so bad, but we unswervingly to educate those who deserve and need to know the name, just for us to go to college after not the same as he was "like an idiot." From that point that he, more than any other teachers who are farsighted, as we consider the far because he has no utilitarian pursuit.
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  范美忠根本算不上一个男子汉,只是一个怕死   ( XYZ , 05/26/2008 08:17:18 )
  范美忠根本算不上一个男子汉,只是一个怕死   ( XYZ , 05/26/2008 11:18:13 )
  范美忠连自己的母亲都不救,不配使用"   ( 中国人 , 05/26/2008 14:08:20 )
  在现在平安的境况里 说什么都有可能 可你有   ( 需要真实 , 05/26/2008 20:14:15 )
  你能做个老师一定是有后台的 教师最基本的   ( 中国人 , 05/26/2008 06:03:01 )

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