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Intelligence Test

[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]


A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip. He told her she would find enough dollar bills for shopping in an envelope on his desk. She found the envelope with “98” written on it. In a shop she bought $ 90 worth of things, but when it was time to pay, she didn’t have $ 8 left over as she thought she would. In fact, she did not have enough money to pay for all the shopping. By how much was she short, and why?


John was telling his friend about his house in the country. It’s a beautiful place, he said. To the north there are GREen fields. To the west there is a high mountain. It’s always covered with snow. To the east and the south there is a forest. It’s really beautiful in the morning. The sun comes up from behind the mountain, the birds sing, and everything seems fresh and new.”“Do you really have a house in the country? said Peter. A part of your story isn’t true.

Can you find it?



Key:()he was short by $ 4. She had read the number upside down. The number was 86.

 ()If the mountain is to the west, the sun cannot come up from behind it, since the sun always rises in the east.

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