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Giving Opinions

[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

The people in America and Canada thrive(1) on information and opinions. Americans and Canadians are proud of their freedom. The freedom to say, do, and act as they wish has helped to shape their countries. The media has a large role in each culture. Television, radio, and the Internet all broadcast information twenty-four hours a day. Communication is very open and direct. A person’s opinion is usually very personal and does not necessarily follow what everyone else thinks.


Opinions will usually be very frank(2) and honest. Verbal(3) expression is very important as well as facial expressions and body language. Most people will not hide their true feelings. Communication tends to be very informal, so people’s faces and movements often express their feelings. Eye contact is another way to communicate to someone. If you don’t look someone in the eye, they may think you are timid(4), dishonest, or not interested. The expression to see eye to eye on something means to aGREe with someone.


Discussions of certain topics often lead to a debate. This does not mean that the people are arguing with one another.A debate will highlight the points or opinions of different perspectives(5). Individual opinions are a part of critical thinking. Critical thinking helps students analyze a situation and come up with possible solutions. Students are taught to use their imagination and creativity in solving problems. Young children are encouraged to express their opinions and to search for different answers. They are given an opportunity to share their opinions openly in class.



Write T for true or F for false.

1. Americans and Canadians do not have the freedom to say what they want.(    )

2. Facial expressions are important in communication. (    )

3. Students must not give their opinions. (    )


New words and expressions

1. thrivevi.兴旺发达;旺盛

2. franka. 坦白的,直率的;真诚的

3. verbala. 用言辞的,用文字的 

4. timida.胆怯的;羞怯的

5. perspectiven.(观察问题的)视角;观点;想法


参考答案: 1.F 2.T 3.F


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