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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]


    要确定一个动词在具体的句子中到底用什么样的时态,首先是理解各种时态的概念、其语法形式和基本用法,其次是要记住与各种时态经常配合使用的时间状语及相关的信息词,如at this time yesterday经常与过去进行时态连用;often,always经常与一般现在时态或一般过去时态连用;yet常与现在完成时态连用;Look!或Listen!暗示其后的句子应该用现在进行时态等等。也就是说,在没有上下文的情况下常要靠时间状语或相关的信息词来确定句子的时态,所以确定句子时态的第一个要诀是: 


    例1.Mr King taught(teach)us English last term . 

    例2.His uncle     in three days. 

    A.returns B.has returned  C.returned  D.will return 

    例3Listen!Some of the girls     about Harry Potter.Let's join them ! 

    A.are talking B.talk C.will talk D.talked 



    例4.I often      my homework after supper.But yesterday evening,I     TV. 
    A.do,watch B.did,watched C.did,watch D.do,watched 

    例5Tom      to bed early but his brother doesn't. 

    A.goes B.went C.has gone 

    例6He turned off the light then      . 

    A.leaves B.left C.will have 

    复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的,故主、从句之间有一种时态呼应关系。如果主句是一般现在时态,则宾语从句根据需要选择相应时态;如果主句是一般过去时态,则宾语从句用一般用过去时态,即一般过去时态,过去进行时态,过去将来时态或过去完成时态。有时语法规则并不能概括所有的语言现象,所以一些习惯用法必须遵循。如果宾语从句表示的是不受时间限制的客观真理,尽管主句是一般过去时态,宾语从句也得用一般现在时态;when,as soon as, until等引导的时间状语从句或if引导的条件状语从句,通常用一般现在时态表示将来。其基本格式是:一般将来时态的陈述句或祈使句+时间或条件状语从句。还需要注意积累一些其它的时态搭配关系。故确定句子时态的第三条诀窍是: 


    例7She didn't tell us      . 

    A.how old the patient was B.how old was the patient 

    C.how old the patient is  D.how old is the patient 

    例8.—When will you tell him the good news?
       —I will tell him about it as soon as he      back. 

    A.comes B.came C.will come D.is coming 

    例9.Do you know if      back next week?If he      back,please let me know. 
    A.he comes,will come    B.will he come,come 

    C.he will come,comes    D.will he come,will come 

    例10.Our physics teacher told us light      faster than sound. 

    A.travelled  B.has travelled  C.travels  D.will travel 


    1.I'm sorry you've missed the train.It      10 minutes ago. 

    A.left B.has left  C.had left D.has been left 

    2.—Mum,may I go out and play basketball? 

       —     you      your homework yet? 

    A.Do,finish    B.Are,finishing

    C.Did,finish   D.Have,finished

   3.—Excuse me,no photos here!

      —Sorry,I      the sign.

    A.don't see B.didn't see  C.cann't see D.won't see

    4.No hurry!We can get to the bus station in time and we      the early bus. 

    A.don't miss B.can miss  C.will miss D.won't miss 

    5.Our teacher,Miss Chen      English on the radio the day before yesterday. 

    A.teaches B.taught  C.will teach D.has taught 

    6.Harry Potter is a very nice film .I      it twice. 

    A.will see B.can see C.saw D.see 

    7.They      all the their money,so they have to walk home. 

    A.spend B.had spent 

    C.have spent D.will spend 

    8.Jim has made many friends since he     to China. 

    A.came B.comes  C.has come D.will come 

    9.—Lucy,     you      your ticket? 

      —Not yet. 

    A.can,find B.have,found  C.has,found D.do find 

    10.What      we      if our car breaks down broken on the way? 

    A.do,do B.did,do C.are doing D.shall,do 

    11.We'll go for a walk if it      tomorrow. 

    A.will not rain B.rains C.doesn't rain 

    12.Listen!Mary      in the next room. 

    A.sings B.is singing C.sang 

    13.—Where does he come from ? 


        —I asked where      . 

    A.did he come from   B.he came from 

    C.he comes from   D.does he come from 

    14.We are glad that the Shenzhen Underground      very soon. 

    A.will complete   B.will be completed 

    C.has completed   D.has been completed 

    15.China      the WTO last year. 

    A.joined B.has joined  C.had joined D.join 


    1---5 ADBDB    6--10 BCABD    11--15 CBBBA

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