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[日期:2024-12-06]   [字体: ]

The sharp fall in the Chinese stock market this year is likely to be one of the a big talking point at the meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the series of political gatherings in Beijing over the next two weeks.

中国民主党派之一中国民主建国会(China National Democratic Construction Association)已提出一项关于股票交易印花税重大改革的提案,该提案将在本届政协会议上讨论。政协会议是中国主要的政治协商机构,本届政协会议已于本周一召开。

The China National Democratic Construction Association, one of the country’s non-communist political parties, has put forward a proposal for a major reform of the tax on stock-trading which will to be discussed at the annual session. of China’s main political advisory bodywhich started on Monday.


The proposal from the China National Democratic Construction Association is one of the most high-profile issues at this year’s meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


Delegates to the National People’s ConGREss, the country’s legislature whose annual session begins today, are also expected to advocate changes to the stock trading tax, prompting speculation that the tax will eventually be cut.


The proposals are the latest indication yet of how the stockmarket has become a sensitive political issue in China as a result of the spectacular boom in equity investing. The mainland market is down 30 per cent from its high in October and around 20 per cent so far this year.


Although precise figures are hard to come by, analysts estimate that around 20m people have invested directly in the stockmarket, after a huge spurt of interest over the last year. The investment fund industry has also grown dramatically as Chinese investors have taken money from bank deposits and put them into equity funds.

上海证券(Shanghai Securities)分析师彭蕴亮表示:“鉴于中国股市约一半的市值直接或间接掌握在散户投资者手里,政府的税收政策对人民生活有着巨大影响。因此,这将成为政协会议优先考虑的话题就毫不令人意外了。”

“Given that around half of the market is in the hands of individual investors, directly or indirectly, the government’s tax policy has a big impact on people’s lives. It is not surprising then that this will be a priority topic at the CPPCC,” said Peng Yunliang, analysts at Shanghai Securities.
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