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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]


1.When will they go to London?
A.This summer.                 B.This autumn.                  C.This winter.
2.Where is Jack?
A.In the reading-room.       B.On the playground.         C.In the classroom.
3.What will the man perhaps do next?
A.He will help the woman find the Gulou Street immediately.
B.He will show the woman around the city.
C.He will do his own business.
4.Who is the man talking to?
A.A journalist.                    B.A waitress.                     C.A waiter.
5.How does the woman feel about the service?
A.She feels sad.                 B.She feels pleased.            C.She feels angry.
6.What time does his train leave?
A.At 5.                             B.At 6:30.                         C.At 7:50.
7.Where is his brother?
A.In Shanghai.                   B.In Beijing.                      C.In Zhengzhou.
8.How many days will the man and the woman be free from work?
A.2.                                  B.3.                                  C.4.
9.Who has been to Chicago before?
A.The man.                       B.The woman.                   C.Neither of them.
10.What are they going to do in Chicago?
A.To play games .             
B.To take photos.              
C.To visit museums ,parks and so on
11.Who is going to drive?
A.The man.                       B.The woman.                   C.Both of them.
12.When does this talk take place?
A.April 1.                          B.May 2.                           C.June 1.
13.What was the latest news on TV last night?
A.There would be a new holiday.
B.People wouldn’t go to work today.
C.Nothing about the above.
14.What will they do after their conversation?
A.They’ll get down to having a holiday.
B.They’ll go to work.
C.They’ll go to the boss’s house.
15.What’s the weather like these days?
A.Fine.                             B.Wet.                              C.Windy.
16.What does the woman believe?
A.She believes what the weatherman says.
B.She believes what the man says.
C.She believes nobody.
17.What does the woman decide to do?
A.To go without the man.
B.To take her raincoat with her .
C.To listen to the weatherman again.
18.When was the building built?
A.In 1718.                        B.In 1782.                         C.In 1930.
19.What was the building used as at the time of the fire?
A.A  hotel                        B.An old people’s home.     C.A history museum.
20.Who is Andrew Barnes?
A.A newspaper reporter.    
B.The owner of the building.                                        
C.The head of the fire department.
21.Only when the war was over          to his hometown.
A.the young soldier returned                    B.returned the young soldier
C.the young soldier did return                  D.did the young soldier return
22.I’ll go on         the story where I left off last time.
A.to                      B.with                    C.for                      D.at
23.We observed her         on the opposite side of the way.
A.to walk               B.walked                C.walking              D.walks
24.Could you show me the radio you want        ?
A.to have repaired                                   B.to repair it
C.to have it repaired                                D.it repairing
25.—What does your foreign friend , Tom think of Zhengzhou?
       —Tom         Zhengzhou a very beautiful city.
A.considers            B.elects                  C.aGREes                 D.recognizes
26.In order to change our attitudes         learning English ,our teacher told us English was
       very useful and important at the meeting.
A.about                  B.towards               C.of                       D.on
27.To whom did his teahouse         after the old man died?
A.give                    B.leave                   C.belong                 D.get
28.His English is so poor that he can’t make himself         .
A.understand          B.to understand       C.understanding      D.understood
29.When         to make a speech , he said he would be glad to do so.
A.inviting                B.invited                 C.to invite               D.invite
30.As we all know ,Lu Xun made GREat contributions         Chinese literature.
A.for                     B.in                        C.to                       D.on
31.The old pictures         memories of his childhood.
A.called in              B.called on              C.called up             D.called for
32.         we'll go fishing tomorrow depends on the weather.
A.If                       B.Whether              C.That                   D.Why
33.Even after a long time ,they find          difficult to say simple things in Chinese.
A.this                     B.that                     C.it                        D.these
34.With a lot of work         ,he was too tired to move.
A.done                   B.to be done           C.to do                   D.to have done
35.It is          to think how          people fall when it is snowing.
A.frightening ;easy                                  B.frightening; easily
C.frightened ;easily                                 D.frightened; easy
36.You should         attention to          your pronunciation.
A.pay more; improve                               B.draw many; improve
C.pay more; improving                            D.draw many; improving
37.The officer                  the outcome of the election would be at the meeting.
A.forecasted ;that    B.forecast; how      C.forecasted ;why   D.forecast; what
38.Mother        my father to give up smoking and drinking ,but she failed .
A.managed             B.persuaded            C.advised               D.enjoyed
39.It is reported that about twenty percent of the old people in this area suffer          high
blood pressure.
A.of                       B.from                   C.in                       D.towards
40.—Look! It’s raining hard .We can’t go to the concert now.
       —What a pity !How I wish the rain         soon.
A.will stop              B.would stop          C.stopped               D.had stopped
       I have had a very funny story in my life ,which I will never forget .One day after doing all the shopping for my family in town ,I wanted to have a rest before    41    the train. I bought
   42    and some chocolates and went into a self-service coffee shop near the    43    .I put my heavy bag down on the floor ,   44    the newspaper and chocolates on the table   45    a place and went to get a cup of coffee .When I    46    to my seat, there was someone in the next
   47    .It was a wild-looking young man    48    dark glasses.
          49    surprised me most was that he’d started to eat my   50    .Naturally I was a little angry with what he    51    .However ,in order not to    52    trouble ,I did not say anything about it .I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper,   53    my coffee and took a piece of chocolate .The boy looked at me    54    .Still I didn’t start a    55    with him .When he took a third piece ,I felt    56    angrier .I thought , “Well , I shall have the last piece anyway.” And I got it . The boy gave me a strange look ,and then he stood up .As he left ,he
   57    , “The woman is mad !”Everyone    58    their eyes on me quickly .That really made me in a trouble position ,but it was even worse when I    59    my coffee and got ready to leave ,I realized I had made a mistake .There was mine, unopened ,just    60    my newspaper.
41.A.catch                  B.having caught      C.catching              D.to catch
42.A.a newspaper        B.a book                 C.a magazine          D.a novel
43.A.shop                   B.town                   C.market                D.station
44.A.putting                B.put                      C.to put                  D.and putting
45.A.keeping               B.to keep                C.kept                    D.keep
46.A.arrived                B.went                   C.returned              D.got
47.A.shop                   B.table                    C.station                 D.seat
48.A.with                    B.into                     C.from                   D.onto
49.A.That                   B.What                   C.Which                 D.Who
50.A.coffee                 B.chocolate             C.cake                   D.bread
51.A.has done             B.was doing            C.is doing               D.was done
52.A.caused                B.got into               C.get into               D.cause into
53.A.tasting                 B.to taste                C.tasted                  D.taste
54.A.carefully              B.funnily                C.attentively            D.strangely
55.A.argument             B.discussion           C.conversation        D.quarrel
56.A.much                  B.more                   C.a bit of               D.a lot of
57.A.murmured           B.shouted               C.said                    D.spoke
58.A.looked                 B.watched              C.fixed                   D.stared
59.A.was drinking        B.finished drinking   C.drinking              D.drunk
60.A.beside                 B.over                    C.under                  D.on
Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen . Welcome to Hangzhou! My name is Fang Fang . I’m your guide on this tour to the West Lake .It is called the West Lake because it lies in the west of Hangzhou .As you see ,it is surrounded by hills on three sides .It is divided into three parts by two raised roads , the Bai Causeway and the Su Causeway. Bai and Su were famous poets of the Tang and Song Dynasties .As you propably know Hangzhou has a history of more than two thousand years.

You can see the islands in the lake .Only one of them is a natural island ,the other three are man-made .The natural island connected by the Su Causeway is know as Solitary Hill .There are many parks round the lake.
61.This happens most probably at         .
       A.3:30 p.m.                                            B.seven fifteen in the evening
       C.two o’clock in the afternoon                 D.9:00 a.m.
62.The lake is called the West Lake because        .
       A.it lies in the west of Zhejiang Province
       B.it is in the west of Hangzhou
       C.Hangzhou is a city in the West
       D.Hangzhou lies to the west of the lake
63.Hangzhou was set up probably around        .
       A.100 B.C.             B.200 B.C.              C.2000 B.C.            D.989 B.C.
64.From the passage we know that        .
       A.there are four islands in the lake
       B.the two famous poets ,Bai and Su, were born in Hangzhou
       C.many foreign guests go to visit the West Lake
       D.Solitary Hill is joined to the natural island with the Bai Causeway
As you research music ,you will find much that is familiar to you .You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do .You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.

Music is an expression of the people .As you research ,you will find music of people at work or at play .You will find music expresses love of the country ,love of nature and love of home.

Music is also an expression of the composer(作曲家).The composer expresses his own music ideas .He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them. He looks for new kinds of musical expression.
Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share. We can enjoy playing and singing music ,dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.
65.In the first paragraph ,the writer tells us        .
       A.to find pleasure and our feelings in music
       B.how to research music
       C.how to express your feelings in music
       D.to discover the things and places in music
66.From the second paragraph we know that         .
       A.music sings of the country nature and home
       B.if we love music ,we’ll love the country ,nature and home
       C.we may listen to music at work or at play
       D.music can express how people live ,work and think
67.Through music ,the composer         .
       A.wishes you to study music with him
       B.expresses his feelings and ideas
       C.studies the materials of music to make more people like it
       D.shows his love of the country

The World Trade Center was built from 1969 to 1973 at a cost of $ 750 million . The two 110—story towers had been the tallest buildings until the Sears Tower in Chincago was completed in 1974 at 1450 feet .

The World Trade Center was hit by two planes and it fell in a short time later on September 11th.

American and United airlines both said two of their planes had been hijacked(劫持)and crashed.

American said its planes were carrying a total of 156 people .One was a Boston-Los Angeles .An FBI man said the former ,a Boeing 767 ,hit one of the Trade Center towers ;the latter ,a Boeing 757 ,hit the Pentagon(五角大楼).

Two United airliners with a total of 110 aboard also crashed—a Boeing 757 outside Pittsburgh, the other, a Boeing 767, into the Trade Center.

The crash in Pennsylvania was a New York—San Francisco flight .It rushed into the ground in a field about 85 miles from Pittsburgh .US officials said it was possible that the plane had been on a course for the presidential house at Camp David.

The police received a phone call at 9:58 a.m. It came from a man who said he was a passenger locked in the bathroom of United Flight 93.

“We are being hijacked .We are being hijacked! It is going down quickly. I can see some white smoke coming from the front and hear some terrible noise .What’s happening ?My God!”
68.Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.The World Trade Center has been the highest building since 1973.
B.The World Trade Center was hit by three planes.
C.The Sears Tower in Chicago is taller than the World Trade Center.
D.The World Trade Center was 1450 feet high.
69.What kind of planes hit the World Trade Center?
A.A Boeing 757 and a Boeing 767.            B.Two planes of Boeing 757.
C.Two planes of Boeing 767.                   D.Two planes from New York.
70.From the passage ,we can know another hitting target which the hijackers wanted but failed to hit is          .
A.San Francisco      B.the Pentagon        C.Pittsburgh           D.Camp David
71.What can learn from the phone call?
A.The man was in his own bathroom.
B.The plane was in GREat danger.
C.A fire broke out on the plane.
D.The man who made the phone call was a pilot.
There are some very good things about open education .This way of teaching allows students to grow as people ,and to develop their own interests in many subjects .Open education allows students to be responsible for (负责)their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life .Some students do badly in traditional classrooms. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning .Some students will be happier in  an open education school .They will not have to worry about grades or rules .For students who worry about these things a lot ,it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.
But many students will not do well in an open classroom. For some students ,there are too few rules .These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem of getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules .Even a few rules will help this kind of students . The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it .Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their school.
You now know what open education is .Some of its good points and bad points have been explained .You may have your own opinion about open education.The writer thinks that open education is a good idea ,but only in theory. In actual fact ,it may not work very well in a real class or school. The writer believes that most students ,but of course not all students ,want some structure in their classes. They want and need to have rules . In some cases ,they must be made to study some subjects .Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.
72.Open education allows students to         .
       A.grow as they are educated
       B.be responsible for their future
       C.develop their own interests
       D.discover subjects outside class
73.Some students like open education but some students will do little in an open classroom
       because       .
       A.there are too few rules
       B.they hate activities
       C.open education is similar to traditional education
       D.they worry about the rules
74.Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage?
       A.Some traditional teachers do not like open education.
       B.Many teachers do not believe in open education.
       C.Teachers may have problems in open classroom.
       D.The teachers’ feelings and attitudes are important to the students.
75.Which of the following can best summarize(总结)the passage?
       A.Open education is a really complicated idea.
       B.Open education is better than traditional education.
       C.Teachers dislike open education.
       D.Open education is a good idea in practice.
       Visitors of Switzerland usually go to Basel .It has                         76.          
a poulation of over 350,000 ,the majority of them speak,                      77.          
German ,but it is considered an international city because of                78.          
it stand right at the point ,where three countries meet.                          79.          
Many visitors go to the place there a three-sided maker says                 80.          
France is on side ,Germany is on another ,and Switzerland                   81.          
is on the third .The Rhine ,which divides the place ,becomes                82.          
wide and deeper enough for ships to said all the way up to the             83.          
North Sea .Basel is quite the old city .The university of                       84.          
Basel was found in 1460, and it is still well-known today.                     85.          
86.Please decide whether the following statements are true or            (假的).
87.He is too old and weak .Can you persuade him into            (退休)this year?
88.She            (使安静)her baby by giving it some milk when it was crying.
89.It is very cold in the room. Please bring in some           (煤)for the fire.
90.She            (擦)away the sweat with the back of her hand and went on working.
91.Shortly after his           (到达)in Shanghai, he received his parents’ letter from his
92.The            (救护车)of the hospital was bought the year before last year.
93.When we learn a foreign language,it is very necessary and important to learn some
94.The small room is filled with a lot of            (家具).
95.When his mother is ill ,he always takes care of her             (耐心).
       W:Where shall we go this winter?
       M:Let’s go to London.
       W:Have you seen Jack?
M:No .Perhaps he is in the classroom .Oh ,look ,he is playing football.
       M:Can I help you ?
       W:Yes .I’m from America and I’m looking for the Gulou Street.
       M:This is just the street you are looking for.
       W:Oh,I see. Thank you .
       W:What can I do for you ,sir?
       M:I’d like to have a black coffee ,a piece of cake and some French fries.
       W:Wait a moment ,please.
       M:Good morning.
       W:Good morning. I’ll order a table for four under the name of Lily.
       M:What about this one?
       W:That’ll be fine ,thanks.
       W:I wish I could go to see you off ,but I can’t get to the railway station until 7 o’clock.
       M:I’m afraid I’ll have left by then .My train leaves at 6:20 a.m.
       W:What a pity !You’re going straight to Beijing ,aren’t you?
       M:No ,I’m staying with my brother in Zhengzhou for a few days and then go to Beijing.
       W:Is your sister going to meet you at the station?
       M:I don’t think so .I’ll have to take a taxi.
       W:Well ,wish you a pleasant journey.
       M:Thank you .
       W:Friday’s a holiday. Let’s drive to Chicago . We could leave on Thursday after work.
       M:I’m afraid we can’t leave until Friday morning. You see ,I’ve got the car fixed.
       W:All right .Shall we take turns to drive the car?
       M:That’s a good idea. It’s less tiring that way.
       W:I’m looking forward to seeing Chicago .I’ve never been there.
       M:Neither have I ,so let’s make the most of our weekend.
       W:During the day we can see the places.
       M:And in the evening we can go to a play.
       W:That would be nice ,but…
       M:But what?
       W:I don’t think we will be lucky enough to get tickets.
       M:Don’t worry too much about that ! There’s always som, ething we can do.
       M:Hi, Rose .Good morning.
       W:Good morning ,Jack.
       M:Where are you going now?
       W:I’m going to work.
       M:Did you watch TV news last night?
       M:From today on ,we’ll have a holiday and we don’t need to go to work these days.
       W:Is that so ?Why haven’t I heard about this?
       M:If you don’t believe me ,you go and ask Tom.
       W:Then what are you going to do?
       M:I’m going to visit my boss .He invited me to his home.
       W:Really ?He phoned me last night and told me that he would go to China this
        morning .Don’t want to fool me .I know it is April Fools’ Day.
       M:Really? Then let’s go to work together.
      M:We’re having a picnic and take some photos tomorrow .Why don’t you come with us?
       W:I’d like to ,but I think it’s going to rain .The weatherman says it is .
       M:I don’t think he’s right .It hasn’t rained for a week and it isn’t cloudy today, either.
       W:But he is usually correct in his weather news.
       M:The temperature is 80 deGREes this afternoon .I’m sure we’ll have fine weather for our
       W:Well ,I’ll go ,but I’ll take my raincoat with me .
       Now ,back to the news .An early morning fire damaged the historic Geller House today. It destroyed the third floor of the building ,but firefightes saved the first and second floors.There were only a few elderly people living in the building at the time ,and they were carried out to safety .The Geller House was built in 1718 ,and was used as a hotel for over 150 years .George Washington ,stayed here in 1782.The Geller family owned the building until the 1930’s .Then they sold it to the Mills family .Five years ago ,it was made into a building for the elderly ,which was very popular with the old people .Several fire departments were called to the scene .When we asked Fire Chief Andrew Barnes how the fire started ,he answered that most likely , a burning cigarette caused it .Chief Barnes promised to further check the cause.
1—5:CBCBB  6—10:BCBCC  11—15:CACBA  16—20:ABABC   21—25:DBCAA
26—30:BCDBC  31—35:CBCAB  36—40:CDCBB  41—45:CADBB
46—50:CDABB  51—55:BCCDD  56—60:ABCBC  61—65:DBAAA
66—70:DBCCD  71—75:BCADA
76.of→to        77.them→whom   78.去掉of   79.stand→stands  80.there→where
81.在side的前面加one   82.√  83.deeper→deep  84.the→an  85.found→founded
86.false   87.retiring   88.calmed   89.coal   90.wiped   91.arrival
92.ambulance   93.idioms   94.furniture   95.patiently

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