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Jessica Simpson金曲:和你在一起

[日期:2008-03-24]   [字体: ]
[dvnews_page] 语音讲解:


流行歌手Jessica Simpson


  With You 和你在一起

  The real me is a southern girl 我只是一个南方女孩

  2)With her 1)Levis on and an 3)open heart 穿着Levis牛仔裤,怀着一颗热情奔放的心。

  4)Wish I could save the world, 希望我可以拯救世界,

  Like I was super girl 就像有超级能量的女孩。

  The real me 5)is to laugh all night 现实中的我会整晚都开怀大笑,

  Lying in the grass just talking about love 躺在草地上谈论着爱情。

  But lately I've been 6)jaded life got so complicated 但是最近生活突然变得烦闷复杂。

  I'm still thinking about it 我还在冥思苦想,

  Almost forgot what it was like 几乎忘记了那种感觉。

  Do you know what 7)it feels like? 你知道那是一种什么感觉吗?

  Cause with you 因为和你在一起,

  I can 8)let my hair down 我可以披散着头发,

  I can say anything crazy 可以说很多疯话,

  I know you'll catch me 因为我知道你会及时拉我回来,

  Right before I hit the ground 就在我陷入困境的那一刻。

  With nothing but a T-shirt on 身上只穿一件T恤衫,

  I never felt so beautiful 也觉得自己从来没有这么美丽过。

  9)Baby as I do now 宝贝,就像我现在的感觉,

  10)Now that I'm with you 因为我和你在一起,

  With you 和你在一起,

  Now that I'm with you 因为我和你在一起。

  You speak and it's like a song 你说话的声音如此悦耳,

  And just like that 11)all my walls come down 周围的一切好像都不存在了。

  It's like a private joke just 12)meant for us to know 就像只有我们俩人才能明白的玩笑。

  I relate to you naturally 我命里注定和你有缘,

  Everybody else just fades away 其它所有人都不存在。

  13)Sometimes it's hard to breathe 有时候高兴得连呼吸都困难,

  Just knowing you found me 一想到我们有缘相遇。

  I'm still thinking about it 我还在冥思苦想,

  Almost forgot what it was like 几乎忘记了那种感觉。

  Do you know what it feels like? 你知道那是一种什么感觉吗?

  Cause with you 因为和你在一起,

  I can let my hair down 我可以披散着头发,

  I can say anything crazy 可以说很多疯话,

  I know you'll catch me 因为我知道你会及时拉我回来,

  Right before I hit the ground 就在我陷入困境的那一刻。

  With nothing but a T-shirt on 身上只穿一件T恤衫,

  I never felt so beautiful 也觉得自己从来没有这么美丽过。

  Baby as I do now 宝贝,就像我现在的感觉,

  Now that I'm with you 因为我和你在一起,

  With you 和你在一起,

  Come and 14)take me 过来拥抱我,

  Love you save me 爱你拯救我,

  Like nobody else 没有人可以做到。

  Now I can be myself 现在我终于找到了自己,

  With you 和你在一起。


  Dance-pop singer Jessica Simpson was born and raised in Dallas, TX, beginning her performing career as a member of her church choir; at 12, she also auditioned unsuccessfully for The Mickey Mouse Club.

  While attending church camp the following summer, Simpson was discovered by the head of a tiny CCM label, spending the next three years recording her debut album; the label folded before the record could be released, however, although a small pressing was eventually funded by her grandmother.

  The teen nevertheless became a hit on the Christian Youth Conference circuit, also sharing bills with Kirk Franklin, God's Property, and Ce Ce Winans; seeking to expand her popularity in the secular market, Simpson signed to Sony, touring in support of boy-band sensations 98 DeGREes prior to releasing her 1999 major label debut Sweet Kisses, which launched the smash "I Wanna Love You Forever."

  A second studio effort, Irresistible, appeared in spring 2001. Despite the MTV coverage of the album's title track, Simpson's sophomore effort didn't fare as well as her first album.

  The following year, Simpson married her longtime boyfriend, 98 DeGREe's crooner Nick Lachey. She also went on to appear in several episodes of That 70s Show, but it took

  Simpson until summer 2003 to become a bona fide celebrity. She and Lachey's MTV-produced reality show, Newlyweds, captured countless moments of the couple's first year of marriage.

  Simpson's third album, the much more mature In This Skin appeared in July. First single "Sweetest Sin" was a moderate chart hit, but thanks to the success of Newlyweds, Simpson's teetering career got a second chance. A second single "With You" was a favorite among the MTV crowd and by spring 2004, In This Skin was rereleased. It included reworked versions of Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" and Robbie Williams' "Angels" as well as additional footage from the first season of Newlyweds.

  流行女星Jessica Simpson于1980年7月10日出生在美国德克萨斯州东北部的重镇达拉斯,并在那里度过了童年的时光。她最初开始演唱生涯是在她12岁的时候,那时她是当地教堂唱诗班的一员。不久在教堂唱诗班的一次夏季露营活动中,她的歌唱才华意外的被当地一家小唱片公司CMM唱片公司所发现,结果立即把她作为歌手签入了公司,并且在以后的三年时间内一直为Jessica Simpson筹备并制作她的第一张个人专辑,但是正所谓好事多磨,就在新专辑发行之前,这家唱片公司却倒闭了。这一挫折使JessicaSimpson陷入窘境,幸好她的祖母出手帮助她度过了这一难关。

  之后,在一次名为Christian Youth Conference的巡演中,她再次向唱片公司证明了自己的实力。在这次巡演中,她的名字和Kirk Franklin,God's Property等人的名字一起出现在了宣传海报上,这使她歌唱生涯的发展有了新的机会,她顺利的和Sony唱片公司签约。随后不久她就和另一个当红的男孩乐团98'一起展开了巡回的演唱活动,来为她不久就将发行的第一张个人专辑宣传造势,与上一次不同的是,这次她再也不用担心唱片公司会破产了。

  1999年11月9日,Jessica Simpson的第一张个人专辑《Sweet Kisses》终于摆上了柜台,但是销量并不十分显眼,在Billboard 200排行榜上的最高位置也只是第25位。2001年5月第二张专辑《Irresistible 》也上市发行,销量明显比第一张要好出许多。2003年8月,Jessica Simpson的第三张个人专辑《In This Skin》正式发行。



  1. Levis,大家肯定都很熟悉了,是一个牛仔裤的品牌,很受年轻人的追捧。

  2. with sth on 就是指“穿着...的衣物”,比如说,He came out with his pajamas on. 他穿着睡衣就出来了。

  3. open在这里的意思是“愿意谈话的,直率的,诚实的”,比如说,She has an open character. 她的性格直爽外向。

  4. Wish I could save the world, Like I was super girl希望我可以拯救世界,就像有超级能量的女孩。这是一个虚拟语气的句子了。

  5. be to do sth 表示“会做...,将会...”,比如说,She's to laugh at you for sure. 她肯定会笑话你的。

  6. jaded在这里表示“疲倦的,困乏的,缺乏激情的”,比如说,He looks jaded after an all-night party. 他在通宵欢聚之后看起来疲惫不堪。

  7. it feels like...这个用法可以表示“某事物感觉起来...”,比如说,It feels like silk. 摸起来像丝绸。It feels like he doesn't like me any more. 感觉他不再喜欢我了。

  8. let sth down 这个词组可以表示“放下,降下”,比如说,We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把桶吊下去。This skirt needs letting down. 这条裙子需要放出来一些,就是需要改长一些的意思。

  9. Baby as I do now省略了动词,补充完整就是Baby as I do feel beautiful now.大家就比较好理解了。

  10. 这里now that 是一个连词词组,表示“由于...,既然...”,比如说,Now that you've passed your test you can drive on your own.你驾驶考试合格,就可以自己开车了。

  11. all my walls come down直译出来就是“我四周的墙壁都纷纷倒塌”,其实就是听到自己心爱的人说话,感觉世界都不存在了,只剩下相爱的两个人。

  12. mean sb for sth,表示“注定或者打算让某人成为或做某事物”。比如说,I was never meant for the army. 我根本就不是当兵的料。我们也可以说,She was never meant to be a singer.她根本不是当歌星的料。

  13. Just knowing you found me做Sometimes it's hard to breathe的伴随状语。

  14. take在这里表示“拿,握,抱”,比如说,He took her in his arms and kissed her. 他抱她在怀里亲吻。Can you take the baby for a while? 你能抱一会孩子吗?

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