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新东方英语900句 Lesson 5

[日期:2007-11-06]   [字体: ]

Lesson Five Describing Objects

Core Sentences
1. What color is your phonebook?
2. The book has a red cover.
3. What kind of computer do you have?
4. It is a desktop computer.
5. How much does your laptop weigh?

6. It weighs only two kilos. And it's easy to carry.
7. What size auto mobile do you want?
8. I like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.
9. What table shape do you take?
10. I like a round table that can sit ten.
11. What is the weights of the bookcase?
12. The cabinet is four meters long.
13. Will you measure the store?
14. How big is this department?
15. It's about one hundred twenty square meters.

Dialog Exercises

Number one Buying a TV set.
A. Honey, what brand TV do you prefer?
B. What about Conca? It is a named brand.
A. How much is it?
B. What size TV do you have?
A. I want a big one.
B. But it cost more. Besides, the smaller one is a new model.
A. What color do you prefer?
B. I like a blue one. It looks real .
A. But it doesn't go with the furniture in our house. I want a pink one.
B. Why can we never see eye to eye to each other.

Number two
A. I got from the loanly hard call that you are looking for a parter?
B. Yeh, are you interested? Your voice sounds sweet.
A. Thank you, you said in the ad you have a car.What brand is it?
B. It's B&W seven series ?
A. What color is it?
B. Silver, I like it very much. It goes to my skin.
A. My favored color, too. And you have a house. How big is it?
B. One hundred and twenty squere meters. My parents left me the house and the farm when passed away two years ago.
A. Oh, that's wonderful. Sorry, I mean, I really sorry to hear that.
B. How about you? What color is your skin?
A. Wait, why?
B. Nothing, I want to imagine how you look like? How tall are you?
A. One seventy, actually, I don't think you are been polite to..
B. It's ok. But I do prefer taller woman. What is your weigh?
A. Pardon, are you looking for a girlfriend or a model?
B. Are you looking for a boy friend or a house and a car?


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