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高分作文素材库 十七

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

Is euthanasia~ humane?


1. Euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten~ the death of terminally~ ill patients.

2. Death, as natural as birth, is sometimes a hard process that requires assistance, and euthanasia is
part of such assistance.
3. Death is a normal and natural stage of life, so people have the right to die.
4. It is unnecessary to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousness.
5. Extending an incurably ill patient's life means the same as aggravating~ his pain.
6. Efforts should not be made to perpetuate~ what has become a meaningless existence.
7. Euthanasia can bring mental and physical release to the patient and his family when he is tenninally ill and has no prospect of recovering.
8. Mercy killing is motivated by nothing but love and sympathy for the dying patient.
9. Most of the terminally iii patients themselves want to die with dignity~ and peace instead of agony and degradation~. Euthanasia is the only satisfactory way out.
10. The majority of people brought to trial for mercy killing are usually found innocent in the end.


1. It is inhumane to perform euthanasia no matter how painless the process is.
2. Anyone who voluntarily~, knowingly or premeditatedly takes the life of another, even one minute prior to death, is a killer.
3. Euthanasia is a criminal offence because it involves the killing of a person.
4. Legalized euthanasia will invite abuse of human life because any form of murder may be conveniently dubbed "mercy killing" by unscrupulous~ people.
5. Euthanasia raises many moral issues since it implies that active measures are taken to terminate human life.
6. Doctors and nurses should do everything they can to save dying patients instead of hastening their death by active measures.
7. Nothing can be more brutal than taking away human life.
8. The instinct for serf-preservation is the strongest human beings possesses. It is untrue that any patient himself should want to die.
9. Doctors and nurses involved in euthanasia have discredited their profession, for euthanasia is a violation of the fundamental medical principle to save human life.

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