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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

    (5) 隐含主题句:有时段落并不出现主题句,而是"意在其中",此种情况适合于主题非常明显或已清楚地隐含在某段落中。在叙述性和描绘性的段

例1: The Reedman newspaper advertisement invites customers to a hundred-and-fifty acre,one-stop center that has ten-million dollar selec-tion of cars---and then,adding the note of exclusivity that is considered necessary in advertising even the world's largest,it says," Private Sale Now Going On." The premises on which the private sale is held look like the average citizen's vision of the suplt depot at Cam Ranh Bay.Behind a series of showrooms on Route 1,just down the road from the GREenwood Dairies,the five thousand cars are lined up on acres and acres of asphalt—the neat rows interrupted by occasional watchtowers and the entire area surrounded by a heavy,iron, electronically monitored fence.On a busy Saturday,attendants direct streams of traffic in and out of the customers' parking lot.Hostesses with the dress and manner of airline stewardesses circulate in the showrooms offering to call a salesman for anybody who feels the need for one.Muzak, which reaches the most remote line of hardtops, is interrupted every two or three bars by calls for salesmen. 

    这里隐含的主题如果写出来可以是这样:In spite of  its pretense of being private and exclusive,Reedman's Car Dealership is huge,over-whelming,and impersonal.

   例2: Among the GREat men of the renaissance,many were artists,like aphael,Titian, Michelangelo, Van Dyke, and Rembrandt. Others were poets,such as Spenser,Shakespeare,Tosso,and Ronsard.Still others were pioneers in science.Galileo and Kelper in astronomy,for instance,and Vesalius and Harvey in medicine.

    此段暗含的主题句是:"The Renaissance produced many creative people in different fields."   



    There are many different forms of exercises suiting different tastes.Some people enjoy competitive sports and find others to share their interest.For example,they play table tennis or football together,Others prefer to exercise alone. They do some running in the morning. Clearly,different people are fond of different forms of physical exercise to improve their health.

    (2)段落主题句必须完整,即能表达一个完整的思想。该段落将围绕这一主题句逐步展开,或定义,或论述,或分类,或解释,或举例说明。因此,段落主题句中必须包含有段落的主旨,必须包含一个等待发展的思想。以"The Value of Books"中的一段为例:

    Books bring us pleasure as well as knowledge.They make us able to see through the past and to see into the future.Macaulay,the famous historian,once wrote to a little girl:"If any one would make me the GREatest king that even lived with palaces and gardens,fine dinners and beautiful clothes and hundreds of servants on condition that I should not read books,I would not be a king.I would rather be a poor man in a top room with plenty of books than a king who did not live reading."  

    这一段的主题句为:"Books bring us pleasure as well as knowledge."。其主导思想为"pleasure as well as knowledge.",这段内容就是围绕这一主导思想而展开的。

   (3)主题句应该具有一定的限定性。它应该限定该段落的内容不致于偏离全文的中心内容,而且,一个段落的容量是很有限的,如果主题句限定的范围太宽,主题句的内容就无法在该段落内得以阐述清楚。例如以Cheating on the Campus为题的作文为例,用Cheating is popular 或者Cheating is bad 或者Cheating is understand-able 就过于笼统了。cheating 指的是什么。即使是在大学校园里,cheating可以表现在考试。爱情。图书馆等各个方面,不确定具体的范围,主题句就形同虚设,等于还是停留在题目上。因此,一个好的主题句,不仅要表达作者的态度,还需要根据内容和字数方面的要求,对题目的范围进行控制和确定。例如:
Whatever pressures,academic or professional,experienced by students,cheating on the exam is not allowed.

    Academic and professional pressures make it understandable that cheating on the exam is widespread on the campus today.

    Cheating on the exam is popular on the campus today because of academic and professional pressures.


      I completed my math test yesterday.   


    We are given too many math tests.  



     Shanghai is famous for its temperate climate, its large population, and its rapid industrial development.   


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