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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]

阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)



    “Track!”said my master.

    Like any obedient tracker-dog(警犬) who had received the com-mand he most loves,I gave a bark of excitement,put my nose down to the pavement(公路) and sniffed(用力嗅).

    A small group of people gathered behind us.Among these onlookers was the old caretaker(看管人) of the building next door to ours.He spoke in a scornful voice:“You actually think your dog might catch a thief three days after the event?”

My master said nothing,but I'm sure he must have smiled.I did not turn to look.I knew he would not speak unless it was to give me a new command.

    I needed to concentrate(全神贯注).My task was difficult.I had to pick out one scent(气味) among the many that lay about and then track it to its source.

    “I've seen many tracker-dogs in my time,”said the caretaker to the onlookers.“I served with the police years ago.We would never have thought of using a tracker-dog to find a car thief.Impossible.Everyone knows that dogs are useless in such matters.He's got his car back,so what's the use of parking it again in the same place and trying to pick up one scent among the hundreds on this pavement?It's like asking the dog to do a crossword puzzle!”

    In a sense he was right.I'm sure there's no need to tell you that,just as a dog's hearing is much better than a human being's,so his sense of smell distinguishes(区别) one thing from another far better than the most powerful magnifying glass(放大镜) in the world.If Sherlock Holmes could work out that a man had had an egg for breakfast by seeing the yellow stain(污点) on his mouth,a trained dog could tell you whether the hen that laid the egg was healthy or not.

    I know it sounds funny and I mean it to be.But I'm not exaggerating(夸张). A dog can tell you—provided(假如) you understand a

dog's way of communicating—all this and more without even setting eyes on the man he is investigating.But here the ground was criss-crossed(交叉地) in a complex(复杂的) knot(结) of different smells and scents and tracks.To untie it and follow one of them,seemed like asking for a miracle(奇迹).

21.What did the dog-narrator feel about tracking?

  A.It did what was asked because it was obedient.

  B.It was excited,even though it wasn't a special tracker-dog.

  C.It was frustrated because it couldn't concentrate properly.

  D.It found tracking difficult,but enjoyed it.

22.What did the caretaker think about using a dog to catch a thief?

  A.He was hopeful and encouraging towards the dog's owner.

  B.He was doubtful because of his previous(以前的) experience with tracker-dogs.

  C.He was envious because in the police they had never come up with the ide 

  D.He thought that what most people say isn't necessarily right.

23.What do we learn about the dog-owner and his car?

  A.He was trying to find his car,which had been stolen three days before.

  B.His car had not been stolen but he was using it to catch a car thief.

  C.His car had been stolen three days before but now it had been found.

  D.He had found part of his car and was using the dog to try to find the rest.

24.What does the dog-narrator tell us about its sense of smell?

  A.It is not so good as its sense of hearing.

  B.It can achieve what a human's sight can and much more.

  C.It can only give us more details about what a human has already discovered.

  D.When there are many scents together,it cannot distinguish one from another.

25.According to the passage,a dog can__________ .

  A.give you a lot of information if you can communicate with it

  B.tell you many things without seeing you

  C.provide you with a way of communicating with it

  D.only investigate people it can't see


    Which is the most successful animal alive today?Is it the lion,yawning(打着呵欠的) and stretching in the midday African sun,or is it some insect unknown to science,reproducing itself in millions,deep in the Amazon rainforest?A good case could be made for humans them-selves,of course.But the animal that seems to have made the most of its limited opportunities is the domestic(家养的) sheep,closely followed by the horse,the pig,the cow,the dog,and all the other domesticated creatures.

    These animals have hitch-hiked(搭便车) a ride with humans on the fast track to development. They have escaped the pressures which would have wiped some of them out and increased their share of the total living matter on earth.In 1860,humans and domesticated animals repre-sented about five percent of all plant and animal life,while today they are about twenty percent,according to biologist Raymond Coppinger of Hampshire College,Massachusetts.“The domestic animals,the dependent animals,the ones that have made themselves fit in with the existence of humans,they are the success stories in the history of animal develop-ment,”he says.

    This is certain to cause an argument because it denies a central claim(要求) of the animal rights movement.Among those who argue that animals should have the same rights as humans,domestication means humans profiting(得益) from animals:as they see it,humans have simply used animals for their own selfish purposes,using increasingly cruel methods.The idea that domestication(驯化),instead of serving a human purpose,has actually helped animals to survive and develop is revolu-tionary and will probably make the animal rights movement even angri-er.Yet there is evidence to support it.

    But if,as it seems,it was animals that took the first step in the pro-cess of domestication,aGREeing to live with humans on a voluntary(自愿的)basis,what exactly did they get from it?Biologists argue that the driving force in all animals is the desire to ensure that they and their fu-ture generations survive,and if this is right then it is clear where the benefits to animals lay.Wild sheep today have been almost wiped out,wild cows have been wiped out and wild horses would very likely have been wiped out if it were not for domestication.

26.How does the success of humans compare with that of animals?

  A.There are as many of them as there are some insects.

  B.They are obviously much more successful than any other animal.

  C.They have done well,but not quite as well as some animals.

  D.They have not limited their opportunities as some animals have.

27.Why have domestic animals been so successful?

  A.They have benefited from living with humans.

  B.They have travelled,with humans,to different countries.

  C.They have learned how to eat more than other animals.

  D.Those that have escaped have multiplied GREatly.

28.What does Coppinger's study show,concerning domestic animals?

  A.That they have managed to get more of the earth's resources.

  B.That there are far fewer of them than there are humans.

  C.That they account for 20% of all life on earth.

  D.That there are far more of them than there were in 1860.

29.What is the position of the animal rights movement?

  A.It can accept that domestication has helped animals.

  B.It denies the claim that humans profit from animals.

  C.Its members argue about animals' rights to domestication.

  D.It claims that humans have used animals too simply.

30.What does the new,revolutionary theory say?

  A.That some animals aGREed when domestication was first offered to them.

  B.That some animals chose to live with humans to protect themselves.

  C.That different animals want to live with humans for different reasons.

  D.That animals would have achieved nothing by taking the first step towards domestication.



    Man has always wanted to fly.Some of the GREatest men in history have thought about the problem.One of these,for example,was the great Italian artist,Leonardo da Vince(达芬奇). In the sixteenth century he made designs for machines that could fly.But they were never built.

    Throughout history,other less famous men have wanted to fly.An example was a man in England 800 years ago.He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers.Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into the air from a tall building.He did not fly very far.He fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body.

    The first real steps took place in France in 1783.Two brothers,the Mongolfiers,made a very large “hot air balloon”. They knew that hot air rises.Why not fill a balloon with it?The balloon was made of cloth and paper.In September of that year,the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon.They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky.The passengers were a sheep and a chicken.We do not know how they felt about the trip.But we do know that the trip lasted eight minutes and that the animals landed safely.Two months later,two men did the same thing.They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind.Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they travelled about 8 kilometres.

31.What is the main idea of this passage?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________  

32.What kind of designs did Leonardo da Vince make?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________  

33.What happened to the Englishman 800 years ago?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________  

34.How did the first passengers travel in the air?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________  

35.Where did men first rise in the air?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


    The plane turned slowly and she looked down at the collection of dolls(玩偶) houses and duck ponds.

    The “No Smoking” sign FLASHed on. People fastened their seatbelts, packed away paperbacks(平装本) and magazines, and above the roar of the engines conversation seemed to hum(嗡嗡叫)and ripple.

    Juana looked down through the cabin window again at the toy town, wondering what it would be like to really live there for six whole weeks.

    She'd read about England,of course. Everybody had read about it at school. She knew, for example,it was a constitutional(宪法的) monarchy;that London was the capital with about six million people living in it;that the currency was the pound sterling(英镑), the main agricultural products dairy(乳品) farming,livestock(牲畜) and fishing—and that her mother wanted her to bring home a lambswool sweater and some jars of marmalade (果酱).

    But none of that made it seem any more touchable, and she trem-bled suddenly—a sick feeling,that had nothing to do with the plane's dropping height, was grasping hold of her.

    She'd been away from home before,of course. Last summer she'd spent a fortnight in Mallorca with Katherine. And the summer before that, when she was only fourteen, she and Dolores Camino had actually been allowed to go on a school trip to Madrid.
But that was different.Katherine and Dolores were friends.She'd known them and their families all her life. They talked the same language and understood the same jokes. In the spring holidays she and Dolores had even fallen in love with the same boy.
In England,in London,there would only be Sandie to talk to—whom she'd written to,but never met.

    The sick feeling turned to near panic(恐慌).

    She'd boasted such a lot about the English trip and told everybody how she'd think of them doing the same old boring summer things while she was busy shopping in the King's Road and waving to Prince Charles.

    Now it was all here and happening, and as the Iberia plane touched down and began to roll along the runway she took a deep breath and whispered:“Good Luck!”

36.What did Juana do when the“No Smoking”sign came on?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________    

37.How did Juana feel about going to stay in England?

__________ __________ __________ __________  __________

38.What does the passage tell you about Juana's holidays before this one?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________    

39.What was Juana's relationship like with her friends?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
40.Before leaving,what had Juana told her friends?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________   


TODAY,Friday,November 12

JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms.Upper Richmond Road West,Sheen,Ad-mission Free.

DISCO.Satin Sounds Disco.Free at The Lord Napier,Mortlake High St.,from 8 p.m.

Tel. 682-1158.

JAZZ.Lysis at The Bull's Head,Barnes.Admission 60p.

TOMORROW,Saturday,November 13

MUSIC HALL at the Star and Garter,Lower Richmond Road,Putney,provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company.Good food and enter-tainment at a fair price.Tel.789-6749.

FAMILY night out?Join the sing-along at The Black Horse,Sheen Road,Richmond.

JAZZ.The John Bennet Big Band at the Bull's Head,Barnes.Admission 80p.

THE DERBY ARMS,Upper Richmound Road West,give you Joe on the electric accordion.Tel.789-4536.

SUNDAY,November 14

DISCO.Satin Sounds Disco,free at The Lord Napier,Mortlake High Street,from 8 p.m.

FOLK at The Derby Arms.The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio.Non-members 70p.Tel.688-4626.

HEAVY music with Tony Simon at The Bull,Upper Richmond Road West,East Sheen.

THE DERBY ARMS,Upper Richmond Road West,give you Joe on the electric accordion.


local n.当地的;admission free免费入场;entertainment n.

娱乐活动;electric accordion电子手风琴

41.Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?


42.Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band?


43.How much does it cost to hear the John Bennett Big Band at the Bull's Head in Barnes?________________________________________   

44.What's the address of The Lord Napier?____________________    

45.You want an evening of Music Hall entertainment on Saturday.

Which telephone number do you have to ring to find out what time it starts


46.If you want to got enjoy JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band,how much will you pay


47.When does DISCO begin?


48.What will you do if you want to have a FAMILY night out?


49.Can you enjoy Disco on Friday?


50.On what day of the week can you enjoy good food during entertainment?




A)21—25 DBCBA 26—30 BADCD

B)31.The main idea is about man's attempt (尝试) to fly in the air.

32.He made designs for machines that could fly.

33.He fell to the ground and broke all his bones.

34.They took a hot air balloon.

35.In Paris.

36.She continued looking out of the window and thinking about her holiday.

37.She didn't feel well prepared for it,even though she had studied about it.

38.She had been on holiday twice before without her parents.

39.She was a close friend of Katherine's and Dolores' while Sandie was only a penfriend.

40.Juana had told her friends that she would think about how interesting her holiday was compared to theirs.

41.At THE DERBY ARMS On Sunday.

42.At the Derby Arms on Friday.


44.Mortlake High Street.


46.Nothing/Admission free.

47.From 8 p.m.

48.Join the sing-along at The Black Horse.

49.No,we can't.

50.On Saturday.

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