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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]


1 ____is the first day of the week

AMonday    BTuesday     CSaturday       DSunday

2I think the shop is ____ today

Aclose       Bclosed       Cclosing         Dopening

3.—What day is it today It's ____

Aseven       BFebruary    CFriday         Da nice day

4Here are my football shoesPlease ____soon

Agive it back  Bgive back it  Cgive them back   Dgive back them

5There is ____ with my watch

Awrong things  Bsomething wrong  Cwrong something  Dany wrong thing

6One of my friends ____ an American Abe   Bis   Cam    Dare

7.—Can I have a cake Yes________

Ahere is it      Bgive you      Chere you are      DI can

8She would like ____

Asome breads     Bany porridge Cto drink some tea Dthree glasses of orange juices

9How many ____ are there

Abread      Brices           Cdumplings        Dmilks

10.—How many cats can you see ____

AYesI can     BI can see     CI can 't       DI can't see any

11.—Could you help meplease ____

AThanks        BCertainly     CNo           DYou're welcome

12Who is ____ duty today Ain     Bwith       Con     Dat

13There ____ some meat and fish on the plate

A. is               Bare          Chave            Dhas

14Let's ____ the lost books

Ato go and find    Bto go and to find   Cgo and find   Dgo and go find

15How many____ would you ____

A. glass of juicelike            Bglasses of juice like

Cglass of orangeswant        Dglasses of juicewant


16 He has______ English story-book. He likes _____it very much.


A. a , reading       B. an , reading      C. an , looking       D. a , looking

17There is a ____ shop. Would  you like _____?


A.     food,  something to eat         B. foods, anything to eat


C. foods, to eat something           D. food, to eat anything

18 She is one of the best____ in her class.


A.student       B. classmate          C. students        D. girl


19 Give some cups of tea _______ them.


A.     for            B. with              C. of             D. to


20The boys often do ____ Chinese and English ______ at school.


A.     them, homework  B. their, homeworks  C. them, homeworks  D. their, homework


21 ____ Sunday morning, we have no classes.


 A. On             B. At                 C. In                D. For


22 They have ___ useful dictionary. We want to borrow it ____them.


A.     an, for         B. a, from             C. an, to            D. a, to


23.“I dont think the shop is open now. In this sentence it means The shop is ____ now.


A.     closed         B. close               C. closes             D. closing


24 Thank you ____ for your help.


A.     so many        B. too much            C. so much           D. much too


25Try to ____ it in English. said the teacher.


A. speak         B. say                 C. talk               D. tell


26. There is________“t” and________“s” in ________ word “thanks”.

 A. a; an;×         B. a; a; ×       C. a; an; the         D. a; an; a

27. Is every    here, Lucy?

No. Lily is not here.

 A. student          B.×            C. girls             D. boy

28. Listen ________ the tape and answer the questions ________ page 100.

 A. to; of            B. of; from       C. to; on            D. at; in

29. Tom's address is ________.

  A.3 GREen Park, London, England              B. America, New York, NY Road

  C. China, Guilin Road, Changchun             D. Tokyo, Flower Road, Japan

30 .________a bird. ________ name's Polly.

 A. Its; It's           B. It's; It's       C. Its; Its            D. It's; Its

31. These are ________ cakes. ________are over there.

 A. they ; We          B. their; Mine    C. you; His          D. my; Your

32. The policemen's  ________ sit under the________.

 A. child; wall     B. friend; window    C. wives; apple trees  D. babies; oranges tree

33. She has no brothers ________  no sisters.

 A. or              B. and             C. but               D.×

34. Do you want________?

 A. to go to school      B. speak English    C. go home           D. to the tree

35. ________is this blouse? ________ knows?

 A. Who's; Who        B. Whose; Who's    C. Who; Who's        D. Whose; Who

36. Mrs Hill is a________ good teacher. She loves her students    .

 A. much; very        B. very; very      C. very much; much    D. very; very much

37. —Is that boy twelve?

No,________. He's only eleven.

  A. isn't             B. isn't he          C. he isn't            D. he not

38. We get up ___ half past six ___the morning.

   A. in; at                B. at; in            C. at; on             D. to; in

39.I think Ann must________ on duty today.


40.Look at the girl in red. She is________.

  A. my a friend                  B. a friend of Jane's sister's

  C. Jane sister's friend            D. one of Jane's sister

41.—Can you find New York on the map?

Yes.________. It's here.

A. Let's find            B. Let me see         C. Let me look at    D. Let's look after

42.—You speak Chinese very well.


A. No, not good.       B.I like Chinese food.      C. Thanks.        D. You speak well.

43. The children often go _______ the park..

A. to                  B. at                  C. in                 D. with

44. Please give it ______ her.

A. of                  B. after                C. at                 D. to

45.They don’t watch TV _______ Sunday morning.

A. in                  B. on                  C. of                 D. by

46. Where are______?

A. the teachers' rooms                    B. the teacher's room

C. the room of the teachers                D. the teacher's rooms

47.—Are these your rulers?

  —No, ______ aren't. ______are here.

A. they; Their          B. them; Our         C. they; Ours       D. their; Us


Hello! Is ______ Sam?

No, ______ s Mike.

A. this; that             B. it; that            C. that; it           D. that; this

49.—Do you have ______ apples?

  —Sorry. I don't have ______, but I have ______ cakes.

A. any; any; any      B. some; some; some    C. any; some; some    D. any; any; some

50.—______is Mike?

  —I think he's at school.

A. Who               B. Where             C. What              D. How

51.Ann isn't ______ Japanese girl. She's ______ English girl.

Aa; a               B. a; an               C. an; a               D. an; an

52.There______some oranges and apples here, but I ______ the pears.

A. is; know             B. are; think           C. is; see              D. are; like

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  好1很好!!非常好!!!   ( 落叶 , 07/20/2008 12:47:02 )
  good   ( l , 01/10/2007 13:09:07 )
  这个非常不错   ( 色狼 , 01/11/2007 17:20:54 )

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