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[日期:2010-11-26]   [字体: ]






4Persuasion and argumentation(议论文)



231 举例法Examples


232 Comparison of Two Model Essays(两例范文的比较)


1My Bad-Tempered Father


My father is easily angered by normaleveryday mistakeOne day my father told me to wash the car and cut the grassI did not hear exactly what he saidand so I asked him to repeat itThen he went into a hysterical mood and shouted,“Can't you hear?”

Another time he asked my mother to go to the store and buy groceries with a fifty-dollar billand told her to spend no more than twenty dollarsShe spent twenty-two dollarsAs soon as he found outhe immediately grabbed the change from her and shouted that she was never to do any errands for him againHe did not speak to her for the rest of the day

My father also gives my older brothers a hard time with his irritable moodsOne dayhe told them to be home from their dates by midnightthey came home at 1215He informed them that they were grounded for three weeks

To my fathermaking a simple mistake is like commiting a severe crime


2My Generous Grandfather


My grandfather is the most generous person I knowHe has given up a life of his own in order to give his grandchildren everything they wantNot only has he given up many years of his life to raise his children properlybut he is now sacrificing many more years to his grandchildren

His generosity is also evident in his relationship with his colleaguesneighbors and friendsHe has been responsible for many good deeds and has always been there to help all the people around him in times of troubleEveryone knows that he will gladly lend a helping hand

He is so generous that you almost have to feel sorry for himIf one day he suddenly became selfishit would be earthshakingThat's my grandfather

233 Analysis of the Two Model Essays(两例范文的分析)

The first passage is more effectivefor it offers specific examples that show us the father in actionWe see for ourselves why the writer describes the father as bad-temperedIt also uses transitional phrases or sentence to organize the passange more clearly and logicallyUsingone day”,the writer introduces us the first example of his father's hot temper;“Another timeindicates the second example and the transitional sentenceMy father also gives my older brothers a hard time with his irritable moodsindicates another example will followIt is the supporting examples and the transitional devices that make the passage more effective and coherent

The second writeron the other handgives us no specific evidenceThe writer tells us repeatedly that the grandfather is generous but never shows us examples of that generosityJust howfor instancedid the grandfather sacrifice his life for his children and grandchildrenDid the grandfather hold two jobs so that his soncould go to collegeor so that his daughter could finish her educationDoes he give up time with his wife and friends to travel every day to his daughter's house to baby sitgo to the storeand help with the dishesWe need to judge for ourselves whether the writer is making a valid point about the grandfatherbut with out specific details we cannot do soIn factwe have almost no picture of the grandfather at all

Writing Assignment for Unit 23

DirectionsWrite a short passage of the titleMy Sweet-Tempered Mother according to the given topic sentence

Remember to provide specific details to illustrate your point and use transitional words or phrases to make your writing more clearly and coherentlyYou may write your passage on the good qualities of a person by using some of the descriptive words listed belowThey are only suggestionsyou can write about other qualities as well

honest         hardworking     supportive     modest

open-minded    considerate     independent    good-humoured

cooperative    energetic       disciplined    patient

generous       trustworthy     neat           courageous

ambitious      soft-hearted    reliable       unpretentious

My mother is the most sweet-tempered person I know





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