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[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

Thank you so much. Nice to see you. Nice to have you with us. Welcome to the show: Happy Secretary’s Day. By the way did you know it was Secretary’s Day? I do the same thing every year I tell my secretary to send herself some flowers and sign my name to the card and then we’re... But you know I...and I don’t want to get anybody in trouble here and I don’t want to embarrass anybody but my secretary is not too, not too, how do you say it, she’s not too, not too bright.

I’m Leslie Stahl. For more than 30 years people have been trying to figure out how to fix public education in America. We’ve looked to 3)charter schools and 4)magnate schools, to 5)vouchers and school choice. Now we’re looking to a steady diet of standardized tests to do the trick.

Which growth companies will really grow your 6)portfolio? The secret guide to dot com that is actually making money and how you can hang up on hidden long distance charges. Hello I’m Conswello Mack, those stories plus an investors pick of the week you can 7)tune into, on this addition of the Wall Street Journal report

Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to CEO Exchange, I’m Jeff GREenfield. OK look it’s not all that unusual to 8)dream up a business idea while you’re in college. You know you book the bands for the parties, you deliver pizzas to the dorm. OK, dreaming up a new multi-billion dollar industry from the ground up, this is a little less usual.


■ 你在主持晚会或节目的时候,是不是也经常弄出一些笑料,惹得观众忍俊不禁呢?著名幽默主持人大卫·赖特曼就是如此,他做节目时总会突发奇想,制造笑话,让在座的人笑声连连。


■ 难道所有的主持人在做节目时都是那么的风趣、幽默吗?不一定的,莱斯利就是例外。


■ 要想成为一名优秀的主持人,一定要具备“快嘴”的优势。瞧下面这位主持人的语速,真是快得惊人。


■ 主持人的开场白很是关键,一个精彩的开场白不仅能吸引观众的注意力,还能为整个节目起到提纲挈领的作用。主持人杰夫就能抓住这一点,给自己的节目增添亮点。.


1) demeanour [di5mi:nE] n. 行为,举止

2) emcee [5em5si:] n. 主持人,司仪(Master of Ceremonies的缩写)

3) charter school政府支持的特许公立学校,即由家长和校方人员共同管理的公立学校

4) magnate school 优资学校

5) voucher [5vautFE] n. 担保人

6) portfolio [pC:t5fEuljEu] n. 业务量,业务责任

7) tune into 收听,收拨

8) dream up 梦想,(俗)构思,设计

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