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[日期:2008-08-31]   [字体: ]

Controlled attention is the act of 1)coordinating all the 2)faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a given end. It is both an 3)outgrowth of many of the other principles of success and an important aid to them.

Concentration upon a single idea has been the 4)hallmark of success for countless people and organizations.

Intel is a manufacturer of computer 5)chips. By concentrating its energy on building better chips, in less than a decade it has more than 6)quadrupled the speed at which computer 7)processors can deal with information. The rate at which it is able to design and introduce even speedier chips grows faster every year. This happens because Intel concentrates its attention on 8)microprocessors and doesn’t worry about other things like software or 9)modems.

Mother Teresa has concentrated her attention on 10)relieving the suffering of the poor in India. From a single 11)mission she expanded her efforts to more than two hundred sites around the world and won the Nobel Peace Prize. The scope of her plan GREw, but she has never 12)wavered in the attention she pays to it.

Whatever your enterprise, concentration on your definite major purpose is essential. It 13)projects a clear picture of your definite purpose upon your conscious mind and holds it there until it is taken over by your 14)subconscious and acted upon.

The objects on which you 15)deliberately concentrate your attention become the dominating influences in your environment. If your thoughts are fixed on poverty or the physical signs of poverty, these influences are 16)transferred to your subconscious by 17)autosuggestion.

The principle of autosuggestion works in precisely the same manner when your dominating thoughts are fixed, through controlled attention, upon success and security. This habit leads to the development of a success consciousness.

When you voluntarily fix your attention upon a definite major purpose of a positive nature and force your mind, through daily habits of thought, to dwell on that subject, you condition your subconscious mind to act on that purpose.

Controlled attention, when it is focused on the object of your definite major purpose, is the medium by which you positively apply the principle of autosuggestion. There is no other way to do this.

Your mind is never 18)inactive, even in sleep. It constantly reacts to the influences which reach it. The object of controlled attention is to keep your mind busy through thoughts which will be helpful in attaining the object of your desires.

Thoughts of one nature can combine with those of another sort, and controlled attention is the means by which you decide the process. If your child is threatened by an 19)oncoming car, fear for his or her safety and love for him or her will combine into thoughts of action, leading you to pull the child out of the way. Both the initial thoughts are strong, but it is the combination of the two that is strongest and most effective at preventing harm.














1) coordinate [kEu5C:dineit] v. 协调

2) faculty [5fAkElti] n. 能力,本领

3) outgrowth [5autGREuW] n. 副产物,结果

4) hallmark [5hC:lma:k] n. 特色,标志

5) chip [tFip] n. 芯片

6) quadruple [5kwCdrupEl] v. 成为四倍

7) processor [5prEusesEr] n. 处理器,处理机

8) microprocessor [maikrEu5prEusesEr] n. 微处理器

9) modem [5mEudem] n. 调制解调器

10) relieve [ri5li:v] v. 减轻,缓解

11) mission [5miFEn] n. 使命,任务

12) waver [5weivEr] v. 犹豫,摆动

13) project [5prCdVekt] v. 投射,放映

14) subconscious [sQb5kCnFEs] a. 下意识的

15) deliberately [di5libErEtli] adv. 故意地

16) transfer [5trAnsfE:r] v. 转移,移动

17) autosuggestion [5CtEusE5dVesFEn] n. 自我暗示

18) inactive [in5Aktiv] a. 不活动的,停止的

19)oncoming[5Cn9kC:miN] a.即将来临的,接近的

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