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[日期:2008-07-29]   [字体: ]
Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call (call sb. call for, call off/cancel; call on sb.; call up), calm (calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable (be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care (care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry (carry on, carry out), cartoon, case ( in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch (catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater (cater for ), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity (a chance to do sth.; by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic (be characteristic of), charge ( in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat (cheat sb. of money), check (check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer (cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, cherish (hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose (choose sth. from/among sth. ), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance ( under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash (clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear (clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb (climb up/down the hill), cling (cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open (close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast (along the coast), coat (coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide (coincide with), cold (have/catch a cold), collar (white/blue/GREy-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, college/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, combat/fight, combine/combination, come (come across, come out, come up, come up with ), comfort, comfortable, command/control, comment (comment on), commercial, commission, commit (mistakes/guilt), commitment, commodities/goods, common/average ( in common), communicate (communicate with), community, compact, companion, company/firm/concern/enterprise/corporation, comparative, compare (be compared with, be compared to), comparison (by comparison), compel/force, compensation, compensate, compete/contend (compete with/for), competence/ability, competition, complain (complain about), complaint, complex/complicated, complicate, comply (comply with), composition, component/part, comprehend/grasp, comprehension/understanding, comprehensive, comprise, compromise, compute/calculate, computer, comrade, conceal, conceive (an idea/a plan), concentrate (concentrate one's attention on..), concentration/focus, concept, concern (as far as …be concerned, be concerned about), concerning/about, concise/brief, conclude (the study concluded that…), condemn/blame( violence), condition (on condition that..), conference/meeting, confess, confident, confidential/secret, confine (be confined to), confirm, conflict/clash, conform (conform to/with) , confront (be confronted with/ be faced with), confuse, congress, connect (connect ..with..), conquer, conscious (be conscious of), consent (consent to/agree with), consequence/result (in consequence), consequently/therefore, conservative/conventional, consider…as…, considerable/considerate, consist (consist of, be made up of, be composed of), consistent, constant, constitute, constitution, construct, consult (consult ( with)…about…), consume, consumer/customer, consumption, contact (contact sb.; be in/out of contact with…), contain, contaminate, contemporary, contempt/look down on, contend/argue, content, continent, continue + doing, continuos, contract, contradict, contrary (contrary to, on the contrary), contrast (in contrast with, contrast with), contribute ( contribute to/lead to), control (out of control/under the control of), convenient, conversation, convert/change, convey/pass, convict (convict sb. of ..), convince (convince …of.., be convinced of..), cook, cool, cooperate, cope (cope with/handle/deal with), copy, corn, corner, correct, cost ( at the cost of), costly/expansive, cotton, could, count (count in/out), country, countryside, couple, courage, course (in the course of, of course), court, courteous/polite, cover (cover…with..), coverage, craft, crash/clash, crazy/mad, create (a bridge/a problem), creative, creature, credible/reliable, credit, crime, criminal, crisis, critic, critical/decisive/crucial, criticize, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, cultivate/plant, culture, cure, curious (be curious about), currency, current, curtain, custom (the Customs), cut (cut across, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out), cycle.

Daily, damage, damp, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, data/datum, date, daughter, day, dead (注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同),deadline, deadly ((注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同), deaf, deal, dean, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, deceit/cheat, December, decide, decision, decisive, declare, decrease, dedicate, deep/deeply, defeat, defect, defend, deficient, define, definite, defy, deGREe, delay, delete, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delighted, deliver, delivery, demand, demonstrate, dense, deny, department, departure, depend, dependent, depression, deprive, derive, descend, describe, desert (注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义),deserve, design, desire, desk, despite, destination, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, determine, develop, device, devise, devote, diagnose, diagnosis, dialogue, dictionary, die, diet, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, digest, digital, dilemma, diligent, dim, diminish, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt , dirty, disabled, disagree, disappear, disappointed, disaster, disc, discard, discipline, disclose, discourage, discover, discovery, discriminate, discuss, disease, dismiss, disorder, display, dispose, dispute, distance, distant, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, dive, diverse, divide, division, divorce, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, domain, domestic, dominant, dominate, donate, door, dose, double, doubt, doubtful, down, downstairs, dozen, draft, drain, drainage, dramatic, draw, drawing, dreadful, dream, dress, drill, drink, drive, driver, drop, drought, drug, dry, due, dull, durable, during, dust, suty, dwell, dynamic
Each, eager, ear, early, earn, earnest, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, easy, eat, eccentric, economic/economical, economics, economy, edge, edit, educate, education, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, effort, e.g., egg, Egypt, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elaborate, elderly, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, elegant, element, elementary, elephant, eleven, eligible, eliminate, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embarrass, embody, embrace, emerge, emergency, emotion, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endanger, endeavor, endow, endure, enemy, energy, enforce, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, England, English, enhance, enjoy, enjoyable, enlarge, enlighten, enormous, enough, Enquirer/inquire, enrich, enroll, ensure, enter enterprise, entertain, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, entire, entitle, entrance, envelope, environment, equal, equally, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, error, escape, especially, essay, essence, essential, establish, estate, esteem, estimate, eternal, Europe, European, evaluate, eve, even, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evident, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, exclude, excuse, executive, exercise, exert, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expenditure, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, expire, explain, explode, exploit, exploitation, explosion, export, expose, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extinct, extra, extract, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye

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