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[日期:2008-07-28]   [字体: ]

  18岁的网坛大美女莎拉波娃已经是目前英国甚至体育界排名第一的“钻石单身”。今年5月,高露洁公司以200万美元的代价成为莎拉波娃代言的第10个品牌(豪雅表、本田汽车、摩托罗拉手机、佳能电器、耐克、王子球拍、Parlux Fragrances香水、Speedminton和I-PLAY电脑游戏)。以下是她代言的品牌Speedminton的介绍。Speedminton包括:网球、羽毛球、壁球......

Impossible to resist! Introducing SPEEDMINTON, a fun family game as well as a vigorous competitive sport that can be enjoyed right away by anyone...young or old, skilled or beginner. Wherever there's space, indoors or out; a gym, tennis court, park, backyard.

A high-energy, addictive game combining the best dimensions of tennis, badminton, and racquetball. Fun and portable like badminton. An aerobic and competitive sport like racquetball.

Speedminton is a GREat new sport, and I know kids and adults will have fun with it. There's something for everyone, from being the latest addition to extreme sports to a great workout."
               ——Maria Sharapova, Wimbledon Champion

The key to the sport is an exclusive birdie called Speeder that is designed to fly fast and automatically start braking at the end of its flight ready for the return volley. Speeder can fly upto an amazing 190 mph, perfect for your extreme sport enthusiast. Speedminton requires no net and no court.

No limits - Speedminton can be played antime. Even at night thanks to a Speedlight that can be inserted into the Speeder cap for hours of after dark play.

Easy to learn. Players see immediate results from their practice. GREat for kids ages 8 and up, teenagers and beginner adults alike!

"Want to work on your eye-hand coordination? Try speedminton." 
      —— Domingo Mauricio, Professional Tennis Instructor

Speedminton Pro Boxed Set includes:

2 Speedracquets: High quality, extruded Aluminum for lightness and maximum durability. Weighs just 6 oz, and is 23" long. Suits all ages.

3 Speeders:  Made from patented, aerodynamic materials, each for a different kind of Play. One Fun Speeder for recreational play; one longer-distance, 190-mph Match Speeder; a Night Speeder for nighttime play.

4 Speedlights: For up to three hours of after dark play. Inserts into the cap of Night Speeder.

1 Speedbag:For carrying portability

1 Wind Ring: For play in windy conditions 


  包装内容:两个铝质的球拍,Speeder羽毛球(时速190英里),Fun Speeder羽毛球(时速160英里),夜光羽毛球,风环(适合刮风时候使用),肩带包等。

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