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The best way to enlarge one's vocabulary

[日期:2007-11-22]   [字体: ]
One must grasp a sizeable vocabulary if he wants to be an efficient reader . One cann't read efficiently if he is too much limited in vocabulary . for how well he understands and appreciates what he reads is largely determinded by his knowing of a large number of words .

There are various ways for one to enrich his vocabulary . he can read English newspaper , magazines , and stories , and learn words in use . He can also watch English TV , listen to radio programs , or even take with native speakers . when he meets with some new words , he can refer to the dictionary, which usually supplies adequate information about the words he want to know.

But perhaps the best way is to learn words in context , The term context means the surrounding words that are directly connected to a given word and that add to its meaning.Therefore ,One can arrive at the meaning of an unknown word in context by relating it to the meaning of the words that stand around it .This proves to be a much better way. for a word standing by itself in a list does not offer clues to its meaning as does a word used in a sentence .
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