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Prison Break 1《越狱》七

[日期:2007-03-04]   [字体: ]


Nick: We need to focus on the real question. Who wanted Terrence Steadman dead?

Veronica: The call came from DC. What does that tell you?

Nick: You got to think past the government, though. Anybody could be here. A business partner, a rival...

Veronica: Before Steadman was killed, EcoField introduced a prototype electric engine at the techno conference. $60 barrels of oil would be obsolete if that thing ever hit the mainstream.

Nick: Could be oil, oil companies...

Veronica: Suppliers, consumers, everything in between.

Nick: Or the government of an oil-based economy...like the United States.

Stewardess: Can I take your soda?

Nick: Sure. Thank you.

Stewardess: Thank you.

Nick: At any rate, we land, we meet my guy, and even if we don't find the person who tipped off the cops, we find his phone. The paper trail begins.

Anchorperson: The National Guard responded after Illinois Governor Frank Tancredi declared a state of emergency shortly after 3:00 p.m.

Lisa: Come on, honey. It's time to go.

L. J.: Hold on. Hold on.

Anchorperson: No word on what caused the initial disturbance, but sources with the...

Lisa: That's not Fox River, is it?

L. J.: What are you doing?

Lisa: We have to go. Come on.

L. J.: No, Dad might be in trouble.

Lisa: Look, your father's already in trouble. There's nothing we can do about it. Just don't make a scene, okay? He gets very uncomfortable with this thing. Just... Let's just go, okay?

L. J.: Oh, God forbid, man!

Lisa: Please!

L. J.: We're just talking about my old man here and his life. If-if that's all right with you.

Adrian: Leave me out of this.

L. J.: I am leaving you out of it. I left you out of it the day I met you.

Lisa: Okay, L.J.

L. J.: Because nothing in her life or mine has anything to do with you.

Adrian: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.

L. J.: Oh, yeah? Or what?

Adrian: You see, this is what I'm talking about. This is the kind of crap I have to deal with.

Lisa: Just let me handle it!

L. J.: The kind of crap you have to deal with?

Lisa: L.J., do you want to talk...

L. J.: Oh! You got no clue, do you?

Lisa: Honey, look.

L. J.: Leave me alone! Get off me!

Adrian: What the hell are you doing? You don't talk to her like that.

Lisa: Stop it! Stop! Go upstairs, L.J., now! Go!

L. J.: You love that man?

Lisa: Just go.

L. J.: You love that man.

Lisa: Do what I say.

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