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[日期:2006-07-18]   [字体: ]

  敌对势力  hostile forces
  第二产业  secondary industry  
  第二课堂  the second classroom; practical training besides lecturing in the classroom
  第二上市  secondary listing  
  第二学位  second Bachelor's deGREe

  地方保护主义  regional protectionism  
  地方财政包干制  system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances  
  地方财政  finance of local administration; local public finance; local finance
  低谷  all-time low; at a low ebb
  低级市  prefecture-level city
  地级市  prefecture-level city
  低价住房  low-cost housing
  抵抗全球经济衰退  combat the global economic slump  
  低空飞行  low-altitude flying
  底夸克  bottom quark
  第六感觉  the sixth sence
  抵免  offset  
  地勤人员  ground crew
  地球村  global village  
  地球末日  geocide
  地球日  Earth Day (April 22)
  地球资源卫星  earth resources satellite
  地区霸权主义  regional hegemonism
  地区差异  regional disparity  
  地热资源  geothermal resources  
  滴入式经济  trickle-down economy
  第三产业  tertiary industry; service sector  
  第三代移动电话(3G手机)  third-generation mobile; 3G mobile  
  地市级城市  prefecture-level city  
  低水平重复建设  low-level redundant development  
  第四产业  the fourth industry
  迪斯尼乐园  Disney Land
  地下出版物  underground publications
  地下核试验  underground nuclear test
  地下经济  underground economy
  地下钱庄  illegal private bank
  地效飞机  land-effect plane
  第一发球权  first inning  
  第一发球员  first server  
  第一轮投票  first round of voting
  第一生产力  primary productive force
  第一手材料  material at first hand; first-hand material
  第一双打  first pair  
  地震  earthquak, quake
  地震棚  earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
  点播  request the broadcasting (or telecasting)
  点播节目  phone-in program
  电大  college courses broadcast on television  
  垫付  "advancement, payment on account"  
  电话号码升位  upgrade telephone number

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