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Li Yuchun voted Super Girl

[日期:2005-08-29]   [字体: ]

Li Yuchun, voted "Super Girl" by the audiences through mobile phone text messages, is hugged by a fan at the 2005 Super Girl contest finals in Changsha, Hunan Province August 27, 2005. Li got more than 3.52 million votes in support of her. Zhou Bichang, the second place winner, and Zhang Liangying, the third place winner, received more than 3.27 million and 1.35 million votes respectively. [sina]

Li Yuchun performs at the 2005 Super Girl contest finals in Changsha, Hunan Province August 27, 2005. Li got more than 3.52 million votes in support of her. Zhou Bichang, the second place winner, and Zhang Liangying, the third place winner, received more than 3.27 million and 1.35 million votes respectively. [Xinhua]

Li Yuchun sings and dances at the 2005 Super Girl contest finals in Changsha, Hunan Province August 27, 2005. Li got more than 3.52 million votes in support of her. Zhou Bichang, the second place winner, and Zhang Liangying, the third place winner, received more than 3.27 million and 1.35 million votes respectively. [Xinhua]

Super girls Zhang Liangying, Li Yuchun and Zhou Bichang (R to L) sing at the finals of the 2005 Super Girl contest in Changsha, Hunan Province August 27, 2005. Li Yuchun was voted by the audiences the Super Girl, winning more than 3.52 million votes. Zhou Bichang, the second place winner, and Zhang Liangying, the third place winner, received more than 3.27 million and 1.35 million votes respectively. [Xinhua] 

A fan of Li Yuchun holds Li's poster to persuade passers-by to vote for Li in the 2005 Super Girl contest in Changsha, Hunan Province August 27, 2005. At the finals, Li was voted by the audiences the Super Girl, winning more than 3.52 million votes. Zhou Bichang, the second place winner, and Zhang Liangying, the third place winner, received more than 3.27 million and 1.35 million votes respectively. [Xinhua] 

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